1. With what the ignorant are happy, I have become miserable,
And I was raised among the gardens of the glorious.
١. بما فيهِ سعدُ الجاهلينَ شقيتُ
وبينَ ربوعِ الماجدينَ رَبيتُ
2. I have become weary of this world and its people, so how much
Does a young man endure from it, and yet not die?
٢. سئِمتُ من الدُّنيا ومن أهلِها فكم
يُقاسي الفَتى منها وليسَ يموت
3. I have wasted my heart, morsel by morsel,
And I have stripped myself of all the adornments of youth.
٣. وضيّعتُ قَلبي فلذةً بعدَ فلذةٍ
ومن كلِّ زيناتِ الشّباب عريت
4. I have scattered my tears upon the palms, and in my poems
I have found healing through poetry and hot tears.
٤. ونثَّرتُ دَمعي في النّوى وقصائدي
وبالشعرِ والدّمعِ السخينِ شفيت
5. I squander my days and my wealth recklessly,
And I wonder, after death, how I lived.
٥. أُبذِّرُ أيّامي ومالي مُغامِراً
وأعجب بعد الموتِ كيفَ حييت