1. Have you not seen his hand upon his guts,
It is the cure for one who dies of his illness.
١. أوَ لم ترَي يَدَهُ على أحشائهِ
فهي الدواءُ لِمَن يموتُ بدائهِ
2. If you are kind and compassionate to
Your troubled one, then cry once for his crying,
٢. إن كنتِ رائفةً ومُشفقَةً على
مُضناكِ فابكي مرَّةً لبُكائه
3. And breathe like the breeze and breathe out
The distress, for you know its cure.
٣. وتنفّسي مثلَ النَّسيمِ ونفِّسي
كرَباً فأنتِ عليمةٌ بدَوائه
4. And receive him like the spring with its flowers
And its fragrance and grass and water,
٤. واستقبليه كالرَّبيعِ بزهرهِ
وبطيبهِ وبعشبهِ وبمائه
5. Perhaps some vitality from you will revive his heart
For the winds of his misery have blown for so long.
٥. فلعلَّ نضراً منكِ يُنضرُ قلبهُ
فلطالما عَصفَت رياحُ شقائه
6. His feelings have softened so he melted with tenderness
And God’s tenderness is in his poets.
٦. لطفت عواطفُهُ فذابَ تلطُّفاً
ولطافةُ الرحمنِ في شُعرائه
7. So be tender, and tenderness is your nature,
With a young man whom love called from its martyrs.
٧. فتلطَّفي واللّطفُ فيكِ سجيَّةٌ
بفَتى دعاهُ الحبُّ من شُهدائه
8. Verily, the test is from love in its origin
For Adam's test was from his snake.
٨. إن البلاءَ من المحبَّةِ أصلُهُ
فبلاءُ آدمَ كانَ من حوّائه
9. How strange you have been cooled blueness and waves
From a wave in the sea on its clearest day.
٩. عَجَباً أبردكِ زرقةً وتموجاً
من موجةٍ في البحر يومَ صفائه
10. Or did the full moon dress his sister
With beautiful coolness from the cold of its sky?
١٠. أم في الظلامِ البدرُ ألبسَ أختَهُ
بُرداً جميلاً من برودِ سمائه