
Were it not for writing, knowledge would have perished,

لولا الكتابة كان العلم مندثرا

1. Were it not for writing, knowledge would have perished,
For script arranges on pages what was scattered.

١. لولا الكتابةُ كان العِلمُ مُندثرا
فالخطُّ يَنظُمُ في الأوراقِ ما انتَثرا

2. The image of the soul is what the pen has poured out,
So the serious stumbler is one whose riding beast stumbled.

٢. وصورةُ النَّفسِ ما قد سالَ من قلمٍ
فالعاثرُ الجِدِّ من في طِرسِهِ عَثرا

3. Be sparing and excellent in your craft,
What pleases people remains, be it little or much.

٣. فكُن مُقِلّاً مُجيداً في صِناعتهِ
ما يُعجِبُ الناسَ يبقى قلَّ أو كثُرا

4. The palm gives immortality though it is ephemeral;
Time preserves nothing but mention and trace.

٤. الكفُّ تُعطي خلوداً وهي فانيةٌ
لا يحفظُ الدَّهرُ إلا الذِّكرَ والأثرا