1. She passed by and greeted me, and I greeted her in return
With my soul above heart I ransomed her
ูก. ู
ุฑููุช ููุญูููุชูู ููุฏ ุญูููููุชููุง
ูุจุฑุงุญุชู ูููู ุงููุคุงุฏู ููุฏููุชููุง
2. The greeting between us is but a gesture
And a sign, so her home was made unlawful to me
ูข. ุฅููู ุงูุชุญูููุฉู ุจูููุง ุฅูู
ูุฅุดุงุฑุฉู ูุนููููู ุญูุฑููู
ู ุจููุชููุง
3. But in a dream she fulfilled my request
And if she calls me one night, I will fulfill hers
ูฃ. ููููููุง ูู ุงูุญูู
ู ูุจูุช ุฏูุนูุชู
ูุฅุฐุง ุฏูุนูุชูู ูููุฉู ูุจูููุชูุง
4. Between dreams, union is possible, but that
Beauty fades if I call out to her
ูค. ุจููู ุงูุฎููุงูููู ุงููุตุงูู ูุฅูููู
ุฐุงูู ุงูุฌู
ุงูู ูุฒููู ุฅู ูุงุฏูุชููุง
5. I loved her temporarily, not intending it
And remembered her happily, not naming her
ูฅ. ุฃุญุจุจุชููุง ุนูุฑูุถุงู ูู
ุง ุนุฑููุถุชููุง
ูุฐูุฑุชููุง ุทุฑุจุงู ูู
ุง ุณูู
6. I nicknamed her โmy little plot of landโ and โmy little patientโ
And to my drinking buddy, โmother of unkempt hairโ
ูฆ. ุจุฃุฑูุถุฉู ูู
ุฑูุถุฉู ูููุจุชููุง
ูู ุฎูุดูู ูููููุฏูู
ู ููููุชููุง
7. She is a virgin girl, sweeter than perfume
So often have I seen bliss since I saw her
ูง. ูู ุทููุฉู ุจูุฑู ุฃูุฐูู ู
ู ุงูููุฑู
ุฑุฃูุชู ุงูุณููุนุฏู ู
ูุฐู ุฑุฃูุชููุง
8. Her heart is but a budding rose
When the breeze blows through it as I confide in her
ูจ. ู
ุง ููุจููุง ุฅูุง ูุจูุฑุนู
ู ููุฑุฏูุฉู
ุฑูู ุงููุณูู
ู ุจูู ุฅุฐุง ูุงุฌููุชููุง
9. Love illuminated her eyelids after they
Became a lamp for me, and my love its oil
ูฉ. ุงูุญุจูู ููููุฑู ู
ูููุชููุง ุจุนุฏู ู
ุตุงุฑุช ุณูุฑุงุฌุงู ูู ูุญุจูู ุฒููุชููุง
10. Oh, if only she were a flower and I its gardener
Or if only she were my shroud and I her dead
ูกู . ูุง ููุชููุง ุฒูุฑู ูููุชู ูู
ุฃูููุชููุง ููููู ูููุชู ู