1. You doubted a love that became tangible
So you sent your ghost as a spy
١. أشَككتِ في حبّ غدا ملمُوسا
فبَعثتِ طيفَكِ رائداً جاسُوسا
2. I saw him through the eyelashes and his gaze
Was a sword that cleaves the heart and the cuirass
٢. أبصَرتُهُ خللَ السّجوفِ ولحظُهُ
سيفٌ يشقُّ القلبَ والحنديسا
3. So I called him, embraced him, and kissed him
Until after aloofness, he became a companion
٣. فدَعوتُهُ وضَممتُهُ ولثَمتُهُ
حتَّى غدا بعدَ النُفورِ أنيسا
4. And the dream's pleasure is like the pleasure of wakefulness
If you visit a monastery, ask the priest
٤. والحلمُ لذّتُه كَلذّةِ يَقظةٍ
إن زرتِ ديراً فاسألي القسِّيسا
5. Send him away from me, your ghost is deceitful
Judas who kissed Jesus before betraying him
٥. ردّيه عني إنّ طيفَكِ خادعٌ
من قبلهِ يوداسُ قبَّلَ عيسى