
I met you in a dream, so its fantasy came alive,

طرقتك في الرؤيا فحي خيالها

1. I met you in a dream, so its fantasy came alive,
Thus does the lovesick one attain his desire.

١. طَرَقتكَ في الرؤيا فحيّ خيالَها
فكذا ينالُ المستهامُ وِصالَها

2. Do not hope for union with her in wakefulness,
For God has denied the angels her beauty.

٢. لا تطمَعنَّ بوصلِها في يقظةٍ
فاللهُ قد حرمَ الملاكَ جمالها

3. This visitation is a mercy for you in life,
Rather a blessing, which no lover has attained.

٣. هذي الزيارةُ رحمةٌ لكَ في الكرى
بل نِعمةٌ ما مِن محبٍّ نالها

4. So spread your cheeks, nay your eyelids, nay
Your eyes for her, and beware of embracing her image,

٤. فافرش لها خَدَّيكَ بل جَفنيكَ بل
عينيكَ واحذَر أن تضمَّ خيالها

5. Have you not seen the lovers spread out for her
The pupils of their eyes, but her anklet they did not attain?

٥. أوَ لم ترى العشاقَ قد فرشوا لها
حدقَ العيونِ فلم تنل خِلخالها

6. Like a flock that spread the road of their king
On the day of glory, displaying their awe.

٦. كرعيَّةٍ فرشت طريقَ مليكِها
يومَ الفخارِ فأظهرَت إجلالها

7. By God, if she appeared to an ascetic at prayer
With the Virgin beside him, he would not have prayed to her.

٧. واللهِ لو ظَهرت لأشمَطَ راهبٍ
وأمامه العذراءُ ما صلّى لها