
All her sons are princes, every one

أبناء يعرب كلهم أمراء

1. All her sons are princes, every one
Their heroes and their kings are poets, each as brilliant as the sun

١. أبناءُ يَعربَ كلُّهم أمراءُ
أبطالُهم وملوكُهم شعراءُ

2. God decreed this glowing nation rule
That blessed people lead with wisdom and with grace

٢. الله قدَّرَ أن تسوسَ عبادَهُ
وتسودَ تِلكَ الأُمةُ الزهراء

3. They guided all with justice and with light
My ancestors, those venerable and upright

٣. لسيادةٍ وقيادةٍ وهدايةٍ
قومي فقَومي السادةُ القدماء

4. How many a Caesar ruled in Roman might
How many a Pharaoh towered in Egypt's height

٤. كم قيصرٍ منهم وفرعونٍ لهُ
في أرضِ مِصرَ ورومةَ استعلاء

5. In Babylon they built their thrones and great walls high
And in Yemen reigned beneath the brilliant sky

٥. في بابلَ اصطَنَعُوا العروشَ ونينَوى
وعلى ذُرى اليمنِ استَوى الأذواء

6. The house of Ghassan ruled Syria with delight
While victory crowned the house of Nasr in Iraq's rich land of delight

٦. ولآلِ جفنةَ في الشآم نضارةٌ
ولآل نصرٍ في العراقِ سناء

7. Their queens were no less regal than their kings
Bilquis and Zenobia, crowns of female might

٧. ملكاتُهُم ما كُنَّ دونَ ملوكِهم
وكفَى العُلى بَلقيسُ والزبَّاء