
For your life, you never loved me when you sent me away

لعمرك ما حابيتني إذ بعثتني

1. For your life, you never loved me when you sent me away
But rather you exposed me to blame

١. لعمرك ما حابيتني إذ بعثتني
ولكنما عرضتني للمتالف

2. My people were invited but feared embarking
And I was a man who mounted dangers

٢. دعوت لها قومي فهابوا ركوبها
وكنت امرءا ركابة للمخاوف

3. So I was sure that if God did not ward it off, I would be
Food for beasts or birds of prey

٣. فأيقنت ان لم يدفع اللَه أنني
طعام سباع أو لطير عوائف

4. A mate of strife, and this is the easiest ruin
For you, since you paired me with manuscripts

٤. قرين عراك وهذا أيسر هالك
عليك وقد زملته بصحائف

5. So even if I preferred kinship with it
I have no great fortune in the love of successors

٥. فإني وإن آثرت منه قرابة
لاعظم حظا في حباء الخلائف

6. In the era of Uthman we came as envoys, and before him
And we were the first with inherited glory and loftiness

٦. على عهد عثمان وفدنا وقبله
وكنا أولي مجد تليد وطارف