
O king of beauty, what else besides you

أيا ملك الحسن ماذا عداك

1. O king of beauty, what else besides you
Has fate kept for me in secluded valleys?

١. أيا ملكَ الحُسنِ ماذا عداكَ
فحظُّكَ بعد الذُّرى في الوِهادِ

2. However ugly my reproachers are
You have possessed a beauty beyond all mankind

٢. أُقبحُ العِذارينِ غالاكَ ما
ملكتَ مِن الحسنِ دونَ العِبادِ

3. They have turned against you after devotion
Though once you were ahead of all people

٣. هما عَدَيا بعدَ وانٍ عليكَ
وقد كنت قِدماً على الناسِ عادي

4. So our beauty was eclipsed in its prime
And your vigorous youth began to fail

٤. فشانا جمالكَ عندَ الكمالِ
وفلَّا شبابَكَ ذا الاحتدادِ

5. As the moon is eclipsed in its halo
And the breast of the lofty one is pierced by spears

٥. كما خسفَ البدرُ في تمِّهِ
وكُسّرَ بالطعنِ صدرُ الصِّعادِ

6. The fair-cheeked ladies have become more beautiful
With hair elegantly braided at their temples

٦. فأصبحن مستحسناتِ الخدودِ
من الشّعرِ المُنتحي في بجادِ

7. Like Marwan's spots
Whose blackness is concealed by their brightness

٧. كراياتِ مروانَ مبيضَّةً
فأخفى سناها ظهورُ السّوادِ