
They said, as the down has grown on his cheek,

قالوا وقد نبت العذار بخده

1. They said, as the down has grown on his cheek,
Turn away from loving him and his true affection.

١. قالوا وقد نبتَ العِذارُ بخدِّهِ
مِل عن محبّتهِ وخالصِ ودِّهِ

2. Yet do you not see him, his color turned saffron,
After redness that is illuminated by its embers?

٢. أفما تراهُ وقد تصفَّر لونُهُ
بعد احمرارٍ يُستضاءُ بوقدِهِ

3. The violet drank from the garden of his cheek
What it was not formerly watered with from his roses.

٣. شربَ البنفسجُ مِن حديقةِ خَدِّهِ
ما كانَ يُسقى آنِفاً مِن وردِهِ

4. So I answered the heedless ones with a truthful saying,
The clear truth appears to him as he dictates it.

٤. فأجبتُ غافلهم بقولٍ صادقٍ
يبدو له الحقُّ المبينُ بسردِهِ

5. This is the full moon that travelled in
The horizon of beauty, so it settled in its place of happiness.

٥. هذا هو البدرُ الذي قد سارَ في
أُفُقِ الجمالِ فحلَّ موضعَ سعدِهِ

6. Beauty rose to veil his dazzling beauty,
Fearing for the eyes from the page of his cheek.

٦. نهضَ الجمالُ لِسترِ باهرِ حُسنهِ
خوفَ العيونِ على صحيفةِ خَدِّهِ

7. So it covered him with whiteness from its camphor,
And illuminated him with the blackness of its curling tresses.

٧. فغطاهُ بالمبيضِّ مِن كافورِهِ ال
زّاهي وفَروَزَهُ بأسودِ ندِّهِ