1. The beloved came while the tail of night hung down
So his resplendent face dispelled its darkness
١. زارَ الحبيبُ وذيلُ اللّيلِ مُنسدلٌ
فانجابَ عن وجههِ داجي غياهبهِ
2. My companion said to me, as he raised his hands to the light
That shone through our night, parting its veils:
٢. فقالَ لي صاحبي والضوءُ قد رفعت
يداهُ من ليلنا مُرخى جلاببهِ
3. "Do you not see the light in the dark night? Indeed
Time has come with wonders among its burdens"
٣. أما تَرى الضوءَ في ليلِ المحاقِ لقد
جاءَ الزّمانُ بضربٍ مِن عجائبهِ
4. I said "Oh you who blame the light of his rising
Do you not see the moon wax in its arcs?"
٤. فقلتُ يا عاذِلاً عن نورِ طلعتهِ
أما تَرى البدرَ يبدو في عقاربهِ