
My heart did not beg for patience, though it was distraught,

ما استصرخ الصبر قلبي وهو مذعور

1. My heart did not beg for patience, though it was distraught,
Except that the beautiful eyes had robbed it,

١. ما استصرخَ الصَّبرَ قلبي وهو مذعورُ
الا وقد سلبتهُ الأعينُ الحورُ

2. Nor did an eyelid enslave my spirit, possessing charm,
Except that its sword was notorious for sorcery.

٢. ولا سبى خاطري جفنٌ له غُنُجٌ
الا وصارمُهُ بالسِّحرِ مشهورُ

3. I sacrifice her who made my heart submissive to her,
While gossip is discarded and it remains captured.

٣. أفدي التي صيَّرت قلبي بها دنِفاً
فرقُ السوالفِ يُلقى وهو مأسورُ

4. The roseiness of her cheek in it is emancipated,
From its inebriation the narcissus of her eyelids is intoxicated.

٤. ورديةُ الخدِّ فيها معتَّقةٌ
مِن سكرها نرجسُ الأجفانِ مخمورُ

5. Sorcery has pitched its tent in her gazing eyes,
And magic in what it has of influence on the heart.

٥. قد خيَّمَ السِّحرُ في أجفانِ ناظرِها
والسِّحرُ فيما له في القلبِ تأثيرُ

6. Her love is sweet even if she wrongfully sheds my blood,
And I do not care since death is predestined.

٦. يحلو هواها وان أجرت دمي عَبَثاً
ولا أبالي فإنَّ الموتَ مقدورُ

7. If it were not for her radiance and her cheek, she would not have been
Worshipped by me like fire or light are worshipped.

٧. لولا سَناها وخدّاها لما عُبِدَت
كما تَعبَّدتُها نارٌ ولا نورُ