
O night, I have cut through the darkness of its length

ياليلة قطعت عمر ظلامها

1. O night, I have cut through the darkness of its length
With a yellow goblet of glowing embers

١. ياليلةَ قطّعتُ عمرَ ظلامِها
بمدامةٍ صفراءَ ذاتِ تأجُّجِ

2. On the sleepy coast, scents of its diffusion
From the meadow of languor

٢. بالسّاحلِ النامي روائحُ نشرهِ
عن روضهِ المتضوِّعِ

3. And the sea has calmed its currents
After long restlessness and swelling

٣. واليمُّ زاهٍ قد هدا تيارُهُ
مِن بعدِ طُولِ تقلُّقٍ وتموُّجِ

4. Now the north titillates it and now
The daughters of al-Khazraj awaken it

٤. طوراً تُدغدِغُه الشّمالُ وتارةً
يكرى فتوقظُه بناتُ الخزرجِ

5. And the moon has cast the radiance of its brilliance
In its furrowed, embroidered pond

٥. والبدرُ قد ألقى سَنا أنوارِه
في لُجِّهِ المتجعِّدِ المُتدبِّجِ

6. So it is as if when it has folded the page of its surface
With its blazing, glowing illumination

٦. فكأنّهُ اذ قدَّ صفحةَ متنهِ
بشعاعهِ المتوقّدِ المتوهِّجِ

7. A river is formed of molten luminosity
Flowing over a land of turquoise

٧. نهرٌ تكوّن مِن نُضارٍ مائعٍ
يجري على أرضٍ مِن الفَيرُوزَجِ