
She said to me that I acted like a raider,

وقائلة أني تيممت غازيا

1. She said to me that I acted like a raider,
Though you are the handsome prince who provides for us.

١. وقائلةٍ أنَّي تيّممت غازِياً
وأنت أميرَ الحسنِ جُؤذرُنا الجازي

2. So I said to her words of an eloquent man,
That convey the long meaning concisely.

٢. فقلتُ لها قولَ امرئٍ ذي بلاغةٍ
يدُلُّ على المعنى الطّويلِ بايجازِ

3. My infidel heart revealed itself and fell in love,
So he started walking purposely without hesitation.

٣. تبدّى وقلبي بالمحبّةِ كافرٌ
فأقبلَ يمشي قاصداً غير مجتازِ

4. He walks proudly among the army of his beauty,
A wanted man not taking sides.

٤. تيمّمهُ يختالُ في جيشِ حُسنهِ
طلُوبٌ على البأساءِ ليس بمنحازِ

5. I deliberately shot him with the arrows of my eyes,
Making him my prey within my defences.

٥. رماهُ بسهمي ناظريهِ تعمُّداً
فصيّرهُ فيئاً له تحت أحرازِ

6. And he who fights disbelievers right at their home
Deserves to be called and titled as the raider.

٦. ومن يغزُ كفّاراً لدى عقرِ دارِه
خليقٌ بأن يُدعى ويُنعتَ بالغازي

7. O you who killed my heart with the first glance,
Enough, do not be in a hurry to collect the spoils.

٧. أيا قاتلاً قلبي بأوّلِ نظرةٍ
كُفِيتَ فمهلاً لا تُثَنِّ لأجهازِ

8. For you who took the reigns of his innermost heart,
Will not be able to carry its burdens, not even the artful embalmer.

٨. فإنَّكَ مَن وُلّيتَ كلمَ فؤادِه
لَتعجَزُ عن أدمالهُ صنعةُ الرّازي