
I will surely direct my praise to Hudhayfah

ولأصدقن إلى حذيفة مدحتي

1. I will surely direct my praise to Hudhayfah
For the left-handed knight and horseman of the rugged lands

١. وَلَأَصدُقَنَّ إِلى حُذَيفَةَ مِدحَتي
لِفَتى اليَسارِ وَفارِسِ الأَجرافِ

2. Shelter for the weak when the winds blow
Massive builder of the lofty, unified tribe

٢. مَأوى الضَريكِ إِذا الرِياحُ تَناوَحَت
ضَخمُ الدَسيعَةِ مِحلَبٍ مِتلافِ

3. One who never ceases to fell every difficulty
Like abundant, relentless rain

٣. مَن لا يَزالُ يَكُبُّ كُلَّ ثَقيلَةٍ
كَوماءَ غَيرُ مُسائِلٍ مِتلافِ

4. Of expansive dignity and honor, a dwelling
Shelter for every freed servant and wanderer

٤. رَحبَ المَباءَةَ وَالجِنابَ مَوطِئاً
مَأوى لِكُلِّ مُعَتَّقٍ سَوّافِ

5. He gave drink to the valleys from your stroke, O Ibn Mikdam
From the direction of each rumbling, striking cloud

٥. فَسَقى الغَوادي رَمسَكَ اِبنَ مُكَدَّمٍ
مِن صَوبِ كُلِّ مُجَلجِلٍ وَكّافِ

6. Convey to the Bani Bakr and distinguish the knights
They donned blame before any wraps

٦. أَبلِغ بَني بَكرٍ وَخَصَّ فَوارِساً
لُحِفوا المَلامَةَ دونَ كُلِّ لِحافِ

7. You surrendered, wary of the criticizer, your brother
Between al-Kudayd and the sparse hillsides

٧. أَسلَمتُمُ حَذَرَ الطِعانِ أَخاكُمُ
بَينَ الكُدَيدِ وَقُلَّةَ الأَعرافِ

8. Until he fell, his joints dislocated
For the cheek between the cutlasses and precipices

٨. حَتّى هَوى مُتَزايِلاً أَوصالَهُ
لِلخَدِّ بَينَ جَنادِلٍ وَقِفافِ

9. Praise be to the house of ‘Ali - they
Did not avenge ‘Auf and the living lightly-armed

٩. لِلَّهِ دَرُّ بَني عَليٍّ إِنَّهُم
لَم يَثأَروا عَوفاً وَحَيَّ خِفافِ