
Tell the slaves that boasting is a defect

أبلغ عبيدا بأن الفخر منقصة

1. Tell the slaves that boasting is a defect
Among the righteous, so do not let arrogance take you.

١. أَبلِغ عُبَيداً بِأَنَّ الفَخرَ مَنقَصَةٌ
في الصالِحينَ فَلا يَذهَب بِكَ الجَذَلُ

2. When I saw the Bani Auf and their brothers
Ka'b and the gathering of the Bani Al-Najjar had gathered

٢. لَمّا رَأَيتُ بَني عَوفٍ وَإِخوَتَهُم
كَعباً وَجَمعَ بَني النَجّارِ قَد حَفَلوا

3. A people who made your sanctuary violated by the swords and none
Among the people did to you what they did

٣. قَومٌ أَباحوا حِماكُم بِالسُيوفِ وَلَم
يَفعَل بِكُم أَحَدٌ في الناسِ ما فَعَلوا

4. Since you do not give hospitality to the visitor and when
Generosity is met with rejection throughout the land.

٤. إِذ أَنتُمُ لا تُجيبونَ المُضافَ وَإِذ
تُلقى خِلالَ الدِيارِ الكاعِبُ الفُضُلُ