1. For whom has the house been left desolate of tents,
Except for traces of encampments like shadows?
١. لِمَنِ الدارُ أَقفَرَت بِبُواطِ
غَيرَ سُفعٍ رَواكِدٍ كَالغَطاطِ
2. That house of thousands has become empty,
After it used to fill with activity.
٢. تِلكَ دارُ الأَلوفِ أَضحَت خَلاءً
بَعدَما قَد تَحُلُّها في نَشاطِ
3. Its house, when it says what is wrong with Ibn 'Amr,
He took refuge in it after his nearness on the shore.
٣. دارُها إِذ تَقولُ ما لِاِبنِ عَمروٍ
لَجَّ مِن بَعدِ قُربِهِ في شَطاطِ
4. Tell her that I am the best guardian,
For the one who carried without excess.
٤. بَلِّغاها بِأَنَّني خَيرُ راعٍ
لِلَّذي حَمَّلَت بِغَيرِ اِفتِراطِ
5. I witnessed many vain entertainments there, O mother of 'Amr,
Among white delicate maidens in the meadows,
٥. رُبَّ لَهوٍ شَهِدتُهُ أُمَّ عَمروٍ
بَينَ بيضٍ نَواعِمٍ في الرِياطِ
6. With the chosen ones with white faces like moons,
They were awakened after the throes of death.
٦. مَع نَدامى بيضِ الوُجوهِ كِرامٍ
نُبِّهوا بَعدَ خَفقَةِ الأَشراطِ
7. As if it were the blood of an emancipated slave,
Freed from the slavery of the Nabataeans.
٧. لِكُمَيتٍ كَأَنَّها دَمُ جَوفٍ
عُتِّقَت مِن سُلافَةِ الأَنباطِ
8. They contained a young man who humiliates wealth for it,
And the confidante of pious Ibn Hilat.
٨. فَاِحتَواها فَتىً يُهينُ لَها الما
لَ وَنادَمتُ صالِحَ اِبنَ عِلاطِ
9. His singing slave-girls were around me,
Like red ostriches and wild cows.
٩. ظَلَّ حَولي قِيانُهُ عازِفاتٍ
مِثلَ أُدمٍ كَوانِسٍ وَعَواطِ
10. They passed around the cup among honorable drinking companions,
They prepared the wedding of pious Al-Anmat.
١٠. طُفنَ بِالكَأسِ بَينَ شَربٍ كِرامٍ
مَهَّدوا حُرَّ صالِحِ الأَنماطِ
11. For a while, then he said, "Far be it from you,
Anything but an honorable gathering."
١١. ساعَةً ثُمَّ قالَ هُنَّ بَدادِ
بَينَكُم غَيرَ سُمعَةِ الإِختِلاطِ
12. I have endured many rips from the playfulness of jinn,
The severe iron of my sword is with me.
١٢. رُبَّ خَرقٍ أَجَزتُ مَلعَبَةِ الجِن
نِ مَعي صارِمُ الحَديدِ إِباطي
13. Above the stopping place of the friendly
Like a bracket of a forest and a seamstress.
١٣. فَوقَ مُستَنزِلِ الرَديفِ مُنيفٍ
مِثلِ سِرحانِ غابَةٍ وَخّاطِ
14. While we were warming ourselves from the cold,
We were alarmed by the sound of someone yelling.
١٤. بَينَما نَحنُ نَشتَوي مِن سَديفٍ
راعَنا صَوتُ مِصدَحٍ نَشّاطِ
15. So we were brought a swift steed,
Who was not weakened by fodder and ties.
١٥. فَأُتينا بِسابِحٍ يَعبوبٍ
لَم يُذَلَّل بِمِعلَفٍ وَرِباطِ
16. Without wiping or scratching hay and horse blankets,
And saddlebags in winter and carpets.
١٦. غَيرِ مَسحٍ وَحَشكِ كومٍ صَفايا
وَمَرافيدَ في الشِتاءِ بِساطِ
17. So they called him, restrained him, and said
To a boy repeating mistakes,
١٧. فَتَنادَوا فَأَلجَموهُ وَقالوا
لِغُلامٍ مُعاوِدِ الإِعتِباطِ
18. "Calm him down and stop him for me from the west,
You will find him with little stumbling."
١٨. سَكِّنَنهُ وَاِكفُف إِلَيكَ مِنَ الغَر
بِ تَجِد مائِحاً قَليلَ السِقاطِ
19. So the boy went to castrate a stallion,
Closing off the west, preventing whips.
١٩. فَتَوَلّى الغُلامُ يَقدَعُ مُهراً
تَئِقَ الغَربَ مانِعاً لِلسِياطِ
20. And they turned away when they saw a figure
With his body like the body of a sword.
٢٠. وَتَوَلَّينَ حينَ أَبصَرنَ شَخصاً
مُدمَجاً مَتنُهُ كَمَتنِ المِقاطِ
21. Above it was a feeder of wild animals, a friend
Who knows the ways of cheetahs and lynxes,
٢١. فَوقَهُ مُطعِمُ الوُحوشِ رَفيقٌ
عالِمٌ كَيفَ فَوزَةُ الآباطِ
22. Hunting with a crossbow, shooting from afar
In the wilderness and on a flat plain.
٢٢. داجِنٌ بِالطِرادِ يَرمي بِطَرفٍ
في فَضاءٍ وَفي صَحارٍ بَساطِ
23. Then he turned away with tolerance and deliberation,
Restraining him with reins.
٢٣. ثُمَّ والى بِسَمحَجٍ وَنَحوصٍ
وَبِعِلجٍ يَكُفُّهُ بِعِلاطِ
24. Then we left and my friend does not fear
Betrayal from my tongue spreading.
٢٤. ثُمَّ رُحنا وَما يَخافُ خَليلي
مِن لِساني خِيانَةَ الإِنبِساطِ