
I ask about a resolute tribe at the time of early dawn raids

تسائل عن قوم هجان سميدع

1. I ask about a resolute tribe at the time of early dawn raids
With brave horsemen by the swords' onslaught victorious

١. تَسائِلُ عَن قَومٍ هِجانٍ سَمَيدَعٍ
لَدى الباسِ مِغرارِ الصَباحِ جَسورِ

2. My brother, a comforting shelter for customs and valour
Patient through hardships and far-reaching in purpose

٢. أَخي ثِقَةٍ يَهتَزُّ لِلعُرفِ وَالنَدى
بَعيدِ المَدى في النائِباتِ صَبورِ

3. I said to her martyrdom is serenity
And the Lord's contentment, O forgiving imam

٣. فَقُلتُ لَها إِنَّ الشَهادَةَ راحَةٌ
وَرِضوانُ رَبٍّ يا أُمامَ غَفورِ

4. Know that your father Hamzah performed good
The Messenger of God's best minister

٤. فَإِنَّ أَباكَ الخَيرَ حَمزَةَ فَاِعلِمي
وَزيرُ رَسولِ اللَهِ خَيرُ وَزيرِ

5. The True God, Lord of the Throne, called him
To a paradise of joy and delight

٥. دَعاهُ إِلَهُ الحَقِّ ذو العَرشِ دَعوَةً
إِلى جَنَّةٍ يَرضى بِها وَسُرورِ

6. That is what we hoped for Hamzah
On Resurrection Day, the best fate

٦. فَذَلِكَ ما كُنّا نُرَجّي وَنَرتَجي
لِحَمزَةَ يَومَ الحَشرِ خَيرُ مَصيرِ

7. By God, I won't forget you as long as the breeze blows
And I will cry in my dwellings and travels

٧. فَوَاللَهِ لا أَنساكَ ما هَبَّتِ الصِبا
وَلَأَبكِيَن في مَحضَري وَمَسيري

8. For God's lion who was a protector
Defending Islam from every ingrate

٨. عَلى أَسَدِ اللَهِ الَّذي كانَ مِدرَهاً
يَذودُ عَنِ الإِسلامِ كُلَّ كُفورِ

9. Oh, I wish my arm was paralyzed on that day
And my wing broken by eagles and vultures

٩. أَلا لَيتَ شِلوي يَومَ ذاكَ وَأَعظُمي
إِلى أَضبُعٍ يَنتَبنَني وَنُسورِ

10. I say and the elegy has proclaimed his death
May God reward well my brother and supporter

١٠. أَقولُ وَقَد أَعلى النَعِيُّ بِهُلكِهِ
جَزى اللَهُ خَيراً مِن أَخٍ وَنَصيرِ