1. O you who seek to attain our glory,
Come! For what has brought you this knowledge, O informer?
١. أَلا أَيُّها الساعي لِتُدرِكَ مَجدَنا
هَلُمَّ فَما أَنباكَ عِلماً كَخابِرِ
2. Had you been knowledgeable of the Quran,
Our glory in the firm verses would have informed you.
٢. لَقَد كانَ في القُرآنِ لَو كُنتَ عالِماً
بِهِ مَجدُنا في مُحكَماتِ البَصائِرِ
3. Who are the self-sacrificing, and the elite among them,
Above all those of great familial ties?
٣. مَنِ المُؤثِرونَ وَالخَصاصَةُ فيهِمُ
عَلى كُلِّ ذي قُربى عَظيمِ الأَواصِرِ
4. A tribe, pious and shunning petty minds, thus succeeding,
And so their most hidden of secrets were made pleasant.
٤. قَبيلٌ وَقوا شُحَّ النُفوسِ فَأَفلَحوا
وَطابَت لَهُم مُستَخفَياتُ السَرائِرِ
5. So live angry or die outraged, we
Are lofty lineage, prevailing over mankind.
٥. فَعِش راغِماً أَو مُت بِغَيظِكَ إِنَّنا
أُلو حَسَبٍ عالٍ عَلى الناسِ قاهِرِ
6. Gazing with their eyes what cannot be attained,
Like one seeking with their legs to catch a bird in flight.
٦. وَسامٍ بِعَينَيهِ لِما لا يَنالَهُ
كَساعٍ بِرِجلَيهِ لِإِدراكِ طائِرِ
7. And we are a people whose lineage stems from Al Azd,
Blossoming branches in the towering trees.
٧. وَنَحنُ أُناسٌ أَصلُنا الأَزدُ مِنهُمُ
نُضاراً نَبَتنا في الفُروعِ النَواضِرِ
8. And we are the sons of Al Gawth son of Nabt son of Malik
Son of Zayd son of Kahlan - the people of great pride.
٨. وَنَحنُ بَنو الغَوثِ بنِ نَبتِ بنِ مالِكٍ
بنِ زَيدِ بنِ كَهلانَ وَأَهلُ المَفاخِرِ
9. The Yemenis call us Saba, so we respond to them
To the concealed essence, the best of essences.
٩. يَمانونَ تَدعونا سَبا فَنُجيبَها
إِلى الجَوهَرِ المَكنونِ خَيرِ الجَواهِرِ
10. And we are the kings of people since the era of Tubba’
When kingship was among the sons of ‘Amr bin ‘Aamir.
١٠. وَنَحنُ مُلوكُ الناسِ مِن عَهدِ تُبَّعٍ
إِذِ المُلكِ في أَبناءِ عَمروِ بنِ عامِرِ
11. And we brought the horses from the mountain dams of
١١. وَنَحنُ جَلَبنا الخَيلَ مِن سَروِ حِميَرٍ
إِلى جاسِمٍ بِالمُحنَقاتِ السَنادِرِ
12. To Jasim with the lofty structures.
The neighing of the horses almost deafens us
١٢. يَكادُ صَهيلُ الخَيلُ فيها يُصِمُّنا
وَزَجرُ الحُداةِ في حَنينِ السَواجِرِ
13. As does the yelling of warriors at times of hardship.
We lead the steeds, their foreheads like rain clouds
١٣. نَقودُ جِيادَ الخَيلِ قُبّاً كَأَنَّها
سِراحَ عَدَت في ذي أَهاضيبِ ماطِرِ
14. Pouring down in a season of showers.
And we bring down the heroes of the enemy to
١٤. وَنورِدُ أَبطالَ العَدُوِّ مَناهِلاً
حِياضَ المَنايا وِردُها غَيرِ صادِرِ
15. The resting places of death - from which they will not depart.
We cast our shadows upon every barren plain and bare
١٥. عَلى كُلِّ جَرداءَ الأَديمِ وَأَجرَدٍ
نَظَلُّ عَلَيها بِالرِماحِ الشَواجِرِ
16. Mountain with our tall spears.
And were it not for fear of God, we would have said -
١٦. وَلَولا حَذارُ اللَهِ قُلنا تَكَرُّماً
عَنِ الناسِ يا لَلناسُ هَل مِن مُفاخِرِ
17. Out of nobility over people: "O people! Who can compare?"
And we have donkeys of generosity and kindness,
١٧. وَحِميَرَ مِنّا أَهلُ بَذلٍ وَرَأفَةٍ
وَأَصحابُ قَمعٍ لِلعَدُوِّ المُكابِرِ
18. As well as those who repress the stubborn enemy.
And our camels are seated at times of calamity,
١٨. وَهَمدانُ أَحلاسُ الجِيادِ لَدى الوَغى
يَموجونَ مَوجَ البَحرِ عِندَ التَكاثُرِ
19. Swaying like the waves when the seas are swelling.
Our clan contains every mighty and reddish elder -
١٩. وَكِندَةُ فيها كُلُّ قَرمٍ سَمَيدَعٍ
أولَئِكَ أَصحابي وَوُدّي وَناصِري
20. They are my comrades, my beloved, and my supporters.
And a noble class of judicious Quda’a
٢٠. وَشَعبٌ رَفيعٌ مِن قُضاعَةَ فاضِلٍ
عَلى كُلِّ شَعبٍ مِن شُعوبِ العَمائِرِ
21. Above every class of the towering buildings.
They are my people - if I called they would answer me -
٢١. أولَئِكَ قَومي إِن دَعَوتُ أَجابَني
ثَمانونَ أَلفاً في الحَديدِ المَظاهِرِ
22. Eighty thousand armored with swords.
When they unfurl the banners they do not hesitate -
٢٢. إِذا شَرَّعوا الراياتِ لَم يَتَواكَلوا
وَفيهِم حِفاظِ الأَريَحِيِّ المُظافِرُ