1. O Mayy, arise and mourn with me at dawn, with lamenting like that of grieving camel drivers,
Bearing heavy burdens that weigh upon beasts long driven on,
١. يا مَيُّ قومي فَاِندُبِنَّ بِسُحرَةٍ شَجوَ النَوائِح
كَالحامِلاتِ الوَقرَ بِالثَقلِ المُلِحَّتِ الدَوالِح
2. Wailing women, their faces glowing like live coals,
As if their tears were a torrent dyeing their plaits with blood.
٢. المُعوَلاتِ الخامِشاتِ وُجوهَ حُرّاتٍ صَحائِح
وَكأَنَّ سَيلَ دُموعِها الأَنصابِ تُخضَبُ بِالذَبائِح
3. They shake their loose hair in that open country of anguish
As if it were the tails of mares at dawn tossed by the rising sun,
٣. يَنفُضنَ أَشعاراً لَهُنَّ هُناكَ بادِيَةِ المَسائِح
وَكَأَنَّها أَذنابُ خَيلٍ بِالضُحى شُمسٍ رَوامِح
4. Amidst slain and mutilated bodies mangled by claws,
They weep with the lament of women stripped bare, worn out by toil,
٤. مِن بَينِ مَشرورٍ وَمَجزورٍ يُذَعذَعُ بِالبَوارِح
يَبكينَ شَجوَ مُسَلَّباتٍ كَدَّحَتهُنَّ الكَوادِحّ
5. And sorrow has struck their hearts with an affliction that rends,
When the two Yemeni lads whom we used to wish well were destroyed.
٥. وَلَقَد أَصابَ قُلوبَها مَجَلٌ لَهُ جُلَبٌ قَوارِح
إِذ أَقصَدَ الحَدَثانُ مَن كُنّا نُرَجّي إِذ نُشائِح
6. The comrades of Uhud - time has treated them harshly and torn them with sorrows -
He who was our horseman and protector when the weapons were wielded.
٦. أَصحابَ أُحدٍ غالَهُم دَهرٌ أَلَمَّ لَهُ جَوارِح
مَن كانَ فارِسَنا وَحامينا إِذا بُعِثَ المَسالِح
7. O Hamzah, no, by God I shall not forget you as long as the white camels travel!
As a refuge for orphans, guests, and a widow who makes signs with her eye;
٧. يا حَمزَ لا وَاللَهِ لا أَنساكَ ما صُرَّ اللَقائِح
لِمُناخِ أَيتامِ وَأَضيافٍ وَأَرمَلَةٍ تُلامِح
8. And for what befalls in time of war following war in long sequence.
O horseman, O archer, O Hamzah, you were the desperate fighter
٨. وَلِما يَنوبُ الدَهرُ في حَربٍ لِحَربٍ وَهيَ لاقِح
يا فارِساً يا مِدرَهاً يا حَمزَ قَد كُنتَ المُصامِح
9. To guard us women when disaster came suddenly upon us.
You remind me of the Apostle's lion who was our desperate defender
٩. عَنّا شَديداتِ الخُطوبِ إِذا يَنوبُ لَهُنَّ فادِح
ذَكَّرتَني أَسَدَ الرَسولِ وَكانَ مِدرَهَنا المُنافِح
10. Protecting us, and he was counted when the noble heroes were numbered,
Raising the banners openly, descendent of two generous hands, no waverer
١٠. عَنّا وَكانَ يُعَدُّ إِذ عُدَّ الشَريفونَ الجَحاجِح
يَعلو القَماقِمَ جَهرَةً سَبطَ اليَدَينِ أَغَرَّ واضِح
11. Or trembler or one disabled from bearing arms in the heat of battle;
A sea - no neighbour on its shore complains of ebb or current or shore.
١١. لا طائِشٌ رَعِشٌ وَلا ذو عِلَّةٍ بِالحَملِ آنِح
بَحرٌ فَلَيسَ يُغِبُّ جاراً مِنهُ سَيبٌ أَو مَنادِح
12. The prime of those careful of their honour is lost, and those firm in the saddle;
Those who offer food when the evening fires blaze and it crackles as it burns;
١٢. أَودى شَبابُ أُولي الحَفائِظِ وَالثَقيلونَ المَراجِح
المُطعِمونَ إِذا المَشاتي ما يُصَفِّقُهُنَّ ناضِح
13. Flesh of the polished sword above which is fat in strips;
To defend their neighbour from whoever would wrong him.
١٣. لَحمَ الجِلادِ وَفَوقَهُ مِن شَحمِهِ شُطَبٌ شَرايح
ليُدافِعوا عَن جارِهِم ما رامَ ذو الضِغنَ المُكاشِح
14. I yearn for youths we brought up as if they were lanterns,
Pure Badriyan, Ghatfanian, Khadrami, warriors;
١٤. لَهفي لِشُبّانٍ رُزَيناهُم كَأَنَّهُمُ المَصابيح
شُمٌّ بَطارِقَةٌ غَطارِفَةٌ خَضارِمَةٌ مَسامِح
15. Who purchase glory with their wealth - glory is profitable merchandise!
And press onward with their companies some day when the shouter shouts;
١٥. المُشتَرونَ الحَمدَ بِالأَموالِ إِنَّ الحَمدَ رابِح
وَالجامِزونَ بِلُجمِهِم يَوماً إِذا ما صاحَ صائِح
16. He against whom curses used to be thrown in days not worthy.
Still his travelling companions race each other tracing figures in the dusty earth,
١٦. مَن كانَ يُرمى بِالنَواقِرِ مِن زَمانٍ غَيرِ صالِح
ما إِن تَزالُ رِكابُهُ يَرسِمنَ في غُبرٍ صَحاصِح
17. Till the high fortunes answer to him - success is not for outlaws.
O Hamzah, you have left me alone like a stick scrubbed by a polisher -
١٧. راحَت تَبارى وَهوَ في رَكبٍ صُدورُهُم رَواشِح
حَتّى تَؤُوبَ لَهُ المَعالي لَيسَ مِن فَوزِ السَفائِح
18. I complain to you - and above you is heaped-up soil and gravel
Poured out over you from a hollow they have dug, levelled by the roller.
١٨. يا حَمزَ قَد أَوحَدتَني كَالعودِ شَذَّبَهُ الكَوافِح
أَشكو إِلَيكَ وَفَوقَكَ التُربُ المُكَوَّرُ وَالصَفائِح
19. Our consolation is merely that we say - and what we say has wandering utterance -
"Let him come to us and weep whose eyes have been spared today's disaster,
١٩. مِن جَندَلٍ نُلقيهِ فَوقَكَ إِذ أَجادَ الضَرحَ ضارِح
في وَسِعٍ يَحشونَهُ بِالتُربِ سَوَّتهُ المَماسِح
20. The speakers, the doers, generous and praiseworthy men
Whose hands still cloud the bright sky, whose liberality pours continually."
٢٠. فَعَزاؤُنا أَنّا نَقولُ وَقَولُنا بَرحٌ بَوارِح
مَن كانَ أَمسى وَهوَ عَمّا أَوقَعَ الحَدَثانُ جانِح
٢١. فَليَأتِنا فَلتَبكِ عَيناهُ لهَلكانا النَوافِح
القائِلينَ الفاعِلينَ ذَوي السَماحَةِ وَالمَمادِح
٢٢. مَن لا يَزالُ نَدى يَدَيهِ لَهُ طَوالَ الدَهرِ مائِح