
You are not of the noblest stock

لست من المعشر الأكرمي

1. You are not of the noblest stock,
No worshipper of the sun nor Nufailite,

١. لَستَ مِنَ المَعشَرِ الأَكرَمي
نَ لا عَبدِ شَمسٍ وَلا نَوفَلِ

2. Nor is your father a water-carrier of pilgrims.
So sit on the most inferior lineage.

٢. وَلَيسَ أَبوكَ بِساقي الحَجي
جَ فَاِقعُد عَلى الحَسَبِ الأَرذَلِ

3. But you are a mongrel tied to them,
As the nose ring is tied to the camel's nose.

٣. وَلَكِن هَجينٌ مَنوطٌ بِهِم
كَما نُوِّطَت حَلقَةُ المِحمَلِ

4. Your calculations seethe with vileness,
Like the seething of mash in a cooking pot.

٤. تَجيشُ مِنَ اللُؤمِ أَحسابُكُم
كَجَيشِ المُشاشَةِ في المِرجَلِ

5. If you were from Hashim despite your defiance,
You would not disparage us, headstrong rascal.

٥. فَلَو كُنتَ مِن هاشِمِ في الصَمي
مِ لَم تَهجُنا وَرِكَي مُصطَلي