1. Dogs and an orphan clung to their brother's son
And were it not for them, they would be slaves of Bakr's sons
١. كِلابٌ وَتَيمٌ أَلصَقا اِبنَ أَخيهِما
وَلَولاهُما كانوا عَبيدَ بَني بَكرِ
2. They exhausted him after his head grew white
With a lifetime of avoiding dishonor or the vicissitudes of fate
٢. هُما اِستَنفَذاهُ بَعدَما شابَ رَأسُهُ
بِدَهرٍ حَذارَ العارِ أَو سُبَّةِ الدَهرِ
3. And a man whose father and grandfather were righteous
Is a blessed cloud reaching to the pinnacle of pride
٣. وَإِنَّ اِمرِأً بَركٌ أَبوهُ وَجَدُّهُ
سَحابٌ لَمَخسوسٌ إِلى مُنتَهى الفَخرِ