
Tell the poor that goodness has left them

نب المساكين أن الخير فارقهم

1. Tell the poor that goodness has left them,
Along with the Messenger it has turned away from them at dawn.

١. نَبِّ المَساكينَ أَنَّ الخَيرَ فارَقَهُم
مَعَ الرَسولِ تَوَلّى عَنهُمُ سَحَرا

2. Who is there who has my belongings and my mounts
And the provisions for my family when they are not cheered by rain?

٢. مَن ذا الَّذي عِندَهُ رَحلي وَراحِلَتي
وَرِزقُ أَهلي إِذا لَم يُؤنِسوا المَطَرا

3. He whom his friends do not fear in their gatherings
When a companion goes too far in his words or stumbles.

٣. ذاكَ الَّذي لَيسَ يَخشاهُ مُجالِسُهُ
إِذا الجَليسُ سَطا في القَولِ أَو عَثَرا

4. He was the light and the illumination we followed
And after God he was hearing and sight.

٤. كانَ الضِياءَ وَكانَ النورَ نَتبَعُهُ
وَكانَ بَعدَ الإِلَهِ السَمعَ وَالبَصَرا

5. If only on the day they gave him the fatal poison draft
And hid him away and heaped soil over him,

٥. فَلَيتَنا يَومَ وارَوهُ بِمَحنِيَةٍ
وَغَيَّبوهُ وَأَلقَوا فَوقَهُ المَدَرا

6. God had not left any creature of his creation alive
Neither female nor male thereafter.

٦. لَم يَترُكِ اللَهَ خَلقاً مِن بَرِيَّتِهِ
وَلَم يُعِش بَعدَهُ أُنثى وَلا ذَكَرا

7. All the clan of carpenters bowed their necks in humiliation
And it was an ordained affair of God that was destined.

٧. ذَلَّت رِقابُ بَني النَجّارِ كُلِّهِمُ
وَكانَ أَمراً مِنَ اِمرِ اللَهِ قَد قُدِرا

8. The booty was divided among the people
They scattered it publicly among themselves negligently.

٨. وَاِقتُسِمَ الفَيءُ دونَ الناسِ كُلِّهِمُ
وَبَدَّدوهُ جِهاراً بَينَهُم هَدَرا