1. You knew the abode of Zainab by the sand hill
Like the line of revelation on crinkled parchment
١. عَرَفتَ دِيارَ زَينَبَ بِالكَثيبِ
كَخَطِّ الوَحيِ في الرَقِّ القَشيبِ
2. The winds alternate upon it and every passion
From the rain-pouring season gushing outpouring
٢. تَعاوَرُها الرِياحُ وَكُلُّ جَونٍ
مِنَ الوَسمِيِّ مُنهَمِرٍ سَكوبِ
3. So its outline has become creation by nightfall
And a door after its beloved dweller
٣. فَأَمسى رَسمُها خَلَقاً وَأَمسَت
يَباباً بَعدَ ساكِنِها الحَبيبِ
4. So leave off remembering every day
And soothe the heat of the gloomy chest
٤. فَدَع عَنكَ التَذَكُّرَ كُلَّ يَومٍ
وَرُدَّ حَرارَةَ الصَدرِ الكَئيبِ
5. And inform with that which has no defect in it
With truthfulness, not the telling of lies
٥. وَخَبِّر بِالَّذي لا عَيبَ فيهِ
بِصِدقٍ غَيرِ إِخبارِ الكَذوبِ
6. With what the King did the morning after Badr
For us from the polytheists the allotted portion
٦. بِما صَنَعَ المَليكُ غَداةَ بَدرٍ
لَنا في المُشرِكينَ مِنَ النَصيبِ
7. The morning as though their assembly was volcanic rock
Its pillars appeared to be the wings of sunset
٧. غَداةَ كَأَنَّ جَمعَهُمُ حِراءٌ
بَدَت أَركانُهُ جُنحَ الغُروبِ
8. So we met them from us with a group
As the lion of the forest from aged and grizzled
٨. فَلاقَيناهُمُ مِنّا بِجَمعٍ
كَأُسدِ الغابِ مِن مُردٍ وَشيبِ
9. Before Muhammad, they supported him
Against the enemies in the ferocity of battles
٩. أَمامَ مُحَمَّدٍ قَد آزَروهُ
عَلى الأَعداءِ في رَهجِ الحُروبِ
10. In their hands swords bared
And every seasoned warrior firm in onslaught
١٠. بِأَيديهِم صَوارِمُ مُرهَفاتٌ
وَكُلُّ مُجَرَّبٍ خاظي الكُعوبِ
11. The sons of Aus the heroic supported them
The sons of Najjar in religion crosses
١١. بَنو الأَوسِ الغَطارِفِ آزَرَتها
بَنو النَجّارِ في الدينِ الصَليبِ
12. So we left Abu Jahl lifeless
And Utbah, we left amongst the corpses
١٢. فَغادَرنا أَبا جَهلٍ صَريعاً
وَعُتبَةَ قَد تَرَكنا بِالجَبوبِ
13. And Shaybah we left amongst men
Of lineage, when they trace their ancestry, noble
١٣. وَشَيبَةَ قَد تَرَكنا في رِجالٍ
ذَوي حَسَبٍ إِذا اِنتَسَبوا حَسيبِ
14. The Messenger of Allah calls them when
We hurled them into the frying pan
١٤. يُناديهِم رَسولُ اللَهِ لَمّا
قَذَفناهُم كَباكِبَ في القَليبِ
15. "Did you not find the discourse was truth
And Allah's command takes hold of hearts?"
١٥. أَلَم تَجِدوا حَديثِ كانَ حَقّاً
وَأَمرُ اللَهِ يَأخُذُ بِالقُلوبِ
16. So they did not speak, and if they spoke, they would have said
"You spoke truthfully and you were of correct opinion"
١٦. فَما نَطَقوا وَلَو نَطَقوا لَقالوا
صَدَقتَ وَكُنتَ ذا رَأيٍ مُصيبِ