
The meadows of Umm Al-Walid have yearned for you

أشاقك من أم الوليد ربوع

1. The meadows of Umm Al-Walid have yearned for you
Now empty, none of their people remain

١. أَشاقَكَ مِن أُمِّ الوَليدِ رُبوعُ
بَلاقِعُ ما مِن أَهلِهِنَّ جَميعُ

2. The summer winds have uncovered them
And the pouring clouds have left them bare

٢. عَفاهُنَّ صَيفِيُّ الرِياحِ وَواكِفٌ
مِنَ الدَلوِ رَجّافُ السَحابِ هُموعُ

3. Naught remains but the glowing embers
And the settlements of doves upon them

٣. فَلَم يَبقَ إِلّا موقَدُ النارِ حَولَهُ
رَواكِدُ أَمثالُ الحَمامِ وُقوعُ

4. So leave the mention of a house torn apart
By enmity that severed all its people

٤. فَدَع ذِكرَ دارٍ بَدَّدَت بَينَ أَهلِها
نَوىً فَرَّقَت بَينَ الجَميعِ قَطوعُ

5. And say that if one day they think it grand
Then soon enough the truth will spread

٥. وَقُل إِن يَكُن يَوماً بِأُحدٍ يَعُدُّهُ
سَفيهٌ فَإِنَّ الحَقَّ سَوفَ يَشيعُ

6. The Aus struck there, all of them
And tales of it will glorious be

٦. وَقَد ضارَبَت فيهِ بَنو الأَوسِ كُلُّهُم
وَكانَ لَها ذِكرٌ هُناكَ رَفيعُ

7. The Helpers fought there too and struck
And none but the steadfast remained

٧. وَحامى بَنو النَجّارِ فيهِ وَضارَبوا
وَما كانَ مِنهُم في اللِقاءِ جَزوعُ

8. Before Allah's Messenger they did not waver
For them a helper and intercessor was He

٨. أَمامَ رَسولِ اللَهِ لا يَخذُلونَهُ
لَهُم ناصِرٌ مِن رَبِّهِم وَشَفيعُ

9. Oh heathens, evil is your disbelief in your Lord
A disobedient slave is not like one obedient

٩. وَفَوا إِذ كَفَرتُم يا سَخينَ بِرَبِّكُم
وَلا يَستَوي عَبدٌ عَصى وَمُطيعُ

10. When war flares their oaths shine white
And many by them will be struck down

١٠. بِأَيمانِهِم بيضٌ إِذا حَسِرَ الوَغى
فَلا بُدَّ أَن يَردى بِهِنَّ صَريعُ

11. As they left Othman rotting at Naq‘a
And Sa‘d a corpse with Al Washij raging

١١. كَما غادَرَت في النَقعِ عُثمانَ ثاوِياً
وَسَعداً صَريعاً وَالوَشيجُ شُروعُ

12. And they left under the boughs one propped up
Ubayy as his shirt soaked up the gore

١٢. وَقَد غادَرَت تَحتَ العَجاجَةِ مُسنَداً
أُبَيّاً وَقَد بَلَّ القَميصَ نَجيعُ

13. By the hand of Allah’s Messenger they wrapped him
To shield the people from things profane

١٣. بِكَفِّ رَسولِ اللَهِ حَتّى تَلَفَّفَت
عَلى القَومِ مِمّا قَد يُثِرنَ نُقوعُ

14. Those are my people, the chiefs of their branches
For each people chiefs and branches there are

١٤. أولَئِكَ قَومي سادَةٌ مِن فُروعِهِم
وَمِن كُلِّ قَومٍ سادَةٌ وَفُروعُ

15. Through them Allah gives us honor
When gives us honor, Oh heathens, dread He does

١٥. بِهِنَّ يُعِزُّ اللَهُ حينَ يُعِزُّنا
وَإِن كانَ أَمرٌ يا سَخينَ فَظيعُ

16. And if you recall the dead with Hamzah among them
A martyr whose place is in heaven sublime

١٦. فَإِن تَذكَروا قَتلى وَحَمزَةُ فيهِمُ
قَتيلٌ ثَوى لِلَّهِ وَهوَ مُطيعُ

17. Indeed the gardens of eternity are his abode
And the One who decides all matters is swift

١٧. فَإِنَّ جِنانَ الخُلدِ مَنزِلُهُ بِها
وَأَمرُ الَّذي يَقضي الأُمورَ سَريعُ

18. While your deaths in the fire are better fortune for them
Parched together in its depths, suckling there

١٨. وَقَتلاكُمُ في النارِ أَفضَلُ رِزقِهِم
حَميمٌ مَعاً في جَوفِها وَضَريعُ