
My night was long as the Pleiades climbed high

تطاول بالخمان ليلي فلم تكد

1. My night was long as the Pleiades climbed high,
Scarcely had they begun to descend into the valley of their star,

١. تَطاوَلَ بِالخَمّانِ لَيلي فَلَم تَكَد
تَهُمُّ هَوادي نَجمِهِ أَن تَصَوَّبا

2. When I resolved to watch them as if I were assigned,
To attend them, unwilling for sleep until they were gone.

٢. أَبيتُ أُراعيها كَأَنّي مُوَكَّلٌ
بِها لا أُريدُ النَومَ حَتّى تَغَيَّبا

3. Star by star they hid as dawn drew near,
My eyes observed the last stars at the night's end.

٣. إِذا غارَ مِنها كَوكَبٌ بَعدَ كَوكَبِ
تُراقِبُ عَيني آخِرَ اللَيلِ كَوكَبا

4. Apparitions of stars they seemed, but at daybreak
Phantoms of the night vanished as the morning shone.

٤. غَوائِرَ تَترى مِن نُجومٍ تَخالُها
مَعَ الصُبحِ تَتلوها زَواحِفَ لُغَّبا

5. I fear the suddenness of parting without warning,
The fates might allow this, dashing hopes never to return.

٥. أَخافُ فُجاءاتِ الفِراقِ بِبَغتَةٍ
وَصَرفَ النَوى مِن أَن تُشِتَّ وَتَشعَبا

6. And I knew when the living broke camp,
With horrifyingseparation that leaves the head grey.

٦. وَأَيقَنتُ لِمّا قَوَّضَ الحَيُّ خَيمَهُم
بِرَوعاتِ بَينٍ تَترُكُ الرَأسَ أَشيَبا

7. And the clear voiced caller summoned you to depart
As the sun of day had inclined to set.

٧. وَأَسمَعَكَ الداعي الفَصيحُ بِفُرقَةٍ
وَقَد جَنَحَت شَمسُ النَهارِ لِتَغرُبا

8. And in the caw of the raven he made known his desolation
In the evening when the boughs of the wild plum tree bent down.

٨. وَبَيَّنَ في صَوتِ الغُرابِ اِغتِرابَهُم
عَشِيَّةَ أَوفى غُصنَ بانٍ فَطَرَّبا

9. And in the birds aloft when they passed by us,
Yet the birds do naught but pass and sweep on.

٩. وَفي الطَيرِ بِالعَلياءِ إِذ عَرَضَت لَنا
وَما الطَيرُ إِلّا أَن تَمُرُّ وَتَنعَبا

10. And I almost succumbed at dawn to my passion,
I had to restrain myself wanting to rise and to ride away.

١٠. وَكُدتُ غَداةَ البَينِ يَغلِبُني الهَوى
أُعالِجُ نَفسي أَن أَقومَ فَأَركَبا

11. But how could one forget his beloved, having surpassed
The forty year mark, and known many places?

١١. وَكَيفَ وَلا يَنسى التَصابِيَ بَعدَما
تَجاوَزَ رَأسَ الأَربَعينَ وَجَرَّبا

12. What would come of this matter became clear,
Parting from him took on a hue of grey hair.

١٢. وَقَد بانَ ما يَأتي مِنَ الأَمرِ وَاِكتَسَت
مَفارِقُهُ لَوناً مِنَ الشَيبِ مُغرَبا

13. Do I gather longing if destination brings them near to me,
And rejection if they avoid me and keep apart?

١٣. أَتَجمَعُ شَوقاً إِن تَراخَت بِها النَوى
وَصَدّاً إِذا ما أَسقَبَت وَتَجَنُّبا

14. When the causes of passion manifest and split open,
The staff of separation cannot reach the goal of a disheveled lover.

١٤. إِذا اِنبَتَّ أَسبابُ الهَوى وَتَصَدَّعَت
عَصا البَينُ لَم تَسطِع لِشَعثاءَ مَطلَبا

15. And how can one turn away a sensitive soul from passion,
Who cannot be blamed if infatuated and disturbed?

١٥. وَكَيفَ تَصَدّي المَرءِ ذي اللِبِّ لِلصِبا
وَلَيسَ بِمَعذورٍ إِذا ما تَطَرَّبا

16. I prolong my avoidance of them without hatred,
Merely fearing harm and seeking to avoid trouble.

١٦. أُطيلُ اِجتِناباً عَنهُمُ غَيرَ بَغضَةٍ
وَلَكِنَّ بُقيا رَهبَةً وَتَصَحُّبا

17. Indeed, I see no neighbor excusing himself
As one obeyed, nor as a disheveled neighbor blamed.

١٧. أَلا لا أَرى جاراً يُعَلِّلَ نَفسَهُ
مُطاعاً وَلا جاراً لِشَعثاءَ مُعتَبا