1. If you want the softest of men—the fiercest
Of men, then take Sa'd as a warrior;
١. إِذا أَرَدتَ اللَيِّنَ الأَشَدّا
مِنَ الرِجالِ فَعَلَيكَ سَعدا
2. Sa'd the son of Zayd, make him your soldier—
He is no coward who leaves others exposed.
٢. سَعدَ بنَ زَيدٍ فَاِتَّخِذهُ جُندا
لَيسَ بِخَوّارٍ يَهِدُّ هَدّا
3. He does not flinch at the blow of a ram.
٣. لَيسَ يَرى مِن ضَربِ كَبشٍ بُدّا