1. When the clan is weakened, if there is blame
And if blame there be, mine shall I bear
١. أَلينُ إِذا لانَ العَشيرُ فَإِن تَكُن
بِهِ جِنَّةٌ فَجِنَّتي أَنا أَقدَمُ
2. Whether near or far, his good before his ill
Should they ask bloodwit of me, pay I will
٢. قَريبٌ بَعيدٌ خَيرُهُ قَبلَ شَرِّهِ
إِذا طَلَبوا مِنّي الغَرامَةَ أَغرَمُ
3. If a lord of ours dies, the like of him shall lead
An ample-armed man in lordship thrives still
٣. إِذا ماتَ مِنّا سَيِّدٌ سادَ مِثلُهُ
رَحيبُ الذِراعِ بِالسِيادَةِ خِضرِمُ
4. Answering to glory's call, foray laid by
A brother trusty, graced with good, held dear
٤. يُجيبُ إِلى الجُلّى وَيَحتَضِرُ الوَغى
أَخو ثِقَةٍ يَزدادُ خَيراً وَيُكرَمُ