
O son of her who dwelt in the tents of her people!

يا ابن التي لبثت مليا في استها

1. O son of her who dwelt in the tents of her people!
In the heat of noon in the valley of Najd where the burning sand-grouse are easily snared,

١. يا اِبنَ الَّتي لَبِثَت مَلِيّاً في اِستِها
أَيرٌ وَفي حِرِها كُراعُ بَعيرِ

2. I was not wont to revile men, but they gave me cause to do it.
Vain dreams of wild bulls in the hearts of mules.

٢. قَد كُنتُ لا أَهوى السِبابِ فَسَبَّني
أَحلامُ طَيرٍ في قُلوبِ حَميرِ