
O weepers, shed tears that flow for the slain

يا للرجال لدمع هاج بالسنن

1. O weepers, shed tears that flow for the slain
I am amazed that some weep for houses of clay

١. يا لِلرِجالِ لِدَمعٍ هاجَ بِالسَنَنِ
لَقَد عَجِبتُ لِمَن يَبكي عَلى الدِمَنِ

2. I saw the trustee of God persecuted
Othman held hostage by shrouds and the sword

٢. إِنّي رَأَيتُ أَمينَ اللَهِ مُضطَهَداً
عُثمانَ رَهناً لَدى الأَجداثِ وَالكَفَنِ

3. May God destroy a people who slew
The leader, the Muslim of wisdom and faith

٣. يا قاتَلَ اللَهُ قَوماً كانَ شَأنُهُمُ
قَتلَ الإِمامِ الأَمينِ المُسلِمِ الفَطِنِ

4. They killed him not for any crime he committed
Except the lies they spoke that did not exist

٤. ما قَتَلوهُ عَلى ذَنبٍ أَلَمَّ بِهِ
إِلّا الَّذي نَطَقوا زوراً وَلَم يَكُنِ

5. When I remember him my eyes shed
Tears down my cheeks in floods of four

٥. إِذا تَذَكَّرتُهُ فاضَت بِأَربَعَةٍ
عَيني بِدَمعٍ عَلى الخَدَّينِ مُحتَتِنِ