1. And a people of false hatred as if
In their chests is what kindles embers against us
١. وَقَومٍ مِنَ البَغضاءِ زورٍ كَأَنَّما
بِأَجوافِهِم مِمّا تُجِنُّ لَنا الجَمرُ
2. It boils within them against us like
A pot boils with what flames are in it
٢. يَجيشُ بِما فيها لَنا الغَليُ مِثلَ ما
تَجيشُ بِما فيها مِنَ اللَهَبِ القِدرُ
3. Their cheeks turn away when facing me
At a gathering, as if they are aloof
٣. تَصُدُّ إِذا ما واجَهَتني خُدودُهُم
لَدى مَحفَلٍ عَنّي كَأَنَّهُمُ صُعرُ
4. Their heads recoil if a woman praises me
While amongst them, and they have no dignity
٤. تُصيخُ إِذا أُنثى بِخَيرٍ لَدَيهِم
رُؤوسُهُمُ عَنّي وَما بِهِمُ وَقرُ
5. If they hear evil, it appears on their faces
For what they heard said in praise of us
٥. وَإِن سَمِعوا سوءً بَدا في وُجوهِهِم
لِما سَمِعوا مِمّا يُقالُ لَنا البِشرُ
6. I always find a slanderer insulting me
Wickedly behind my back or a frowning critic
٦. أَجِدِّيَ لا يَنفَكُّ غُسٌّ يَسُبُّني
فُجوراً بِظَهرِ الغَيبِ أَو مُلحِمٌ قَحرُ
7. If the full moon were asked about our ordeal
And it praised what is in us, then the full moon would be praised
٧. وَلَو سُئِلَت بَدرٌ بِحُسنِ بَلائِنا
فَأَثنَت بِما فينا إِذاً حُمِدَت بَدرُ
8. To protect our reputations and our lives
When there is no shield for us but swords
٨. حِفاظاً عَلى أَحسابِنا بِنُفوسِنا
إِذا لَم يَكُن غَيرَ السُيوفِ لَنا سِترُ
9. The women revealed their bodies and displayed
From fright, stars - the beauty of their complexions flowers
٩. وَأَبدَت مَعاريها النِساءُ وَأَبرَزَت
مِنَ الرَوعِ كابٍ حُسنُ أَلوانِها الزُهرُ