
O people of Bakr, do you not restrain your ignorant one

يا آل بكر ألا تنهون جاهلكم

1. O people of Bakr, do you not restrain your ignorant one
Abd bin Rakhsah slandering a she-goat between two grinding stones?

١. يا آلَ بَكرٍ أَلا تَنهَونَ جاهِلَكُم
عَبدَ بنِ رَخصَةَ عَنزاً بَينَ أَتياسِ

2. O son of her who armed herself in the house of her neighbor
So that her squeezing produced juice that injures people!

٢. يا اِبنَ الَّتي سَلَحَت في بَيتِ جارَتِها
فَطارَ مِنهُ عِصارٌ يَقشِبُ الناسِ

3. As though her nails were split off from rock,
Of which there remains nothing but a rough, calloused part,

٣. كَأَنَّ أَظفارَها شُقِّقنَ مِن حَجَرٍ
فَلَيسَ مِنهُنَّ إِلّا وارِمٌ قاسي

4. Like monkeys, when you call upon them,
You find every base creature exposing its fangs.

٤. مِثلَ القُرودِ إِذا ما جِئتَ نادِيَهُم
أَلفَيتَ كُلَّ دَنِيٍّ عَردُهُ عاسي