1. Ask the Quraysh and their allies
When was ‘Awf ever attributed to them?
١. سائِل قُرَيشاً وَأَحلافَها
مَتى كانَ عَوفٌ لَها يُنسَبُ
2. Was there an established lineage in the past
That can be known, or is it a claim they fabricate?
٢. أَفيما مَضى نَسَبٌ ثابِتٌ
فَيُعلَمُ أَم دَعوَةٌ تُكذَبُ
3. For the Quraysh will attribute you
To a lineage other than his, more burdensome,
٣. فَإِنَّ قُرَيشاً سَتَنفيكُمُ
إِلى نَسَبٍ غَيرُهُ أَثقَبُ
4. To the despicable Jidhma of Qays, foul of roots,
‘Urqub the father of As-Sabah.
٤. إِلى جِذمِ قَينٍ لَئيمِ العُروقِِ
عُرقوبُ والِدِهِ أَصهَبُ
5. To Taghlib - they are the worst of tribes -
You have no refuge but them.
٥. إِلى تَغلِبٍ إِنَّهُم شَرُّ جيلٍ
فَلَيسَ لَكُم غَيرَهُم مَذهَبُ
6. And my pact with them did not gain me
A year of honor or nobility they would acknowledge.
٦. وَقَد كانَ عَهدي بِها لَم تَنَل
سَنِيّاً وَلا شَرَفاً تَغلِبُ