1. Wretched is what Khaybar fought for, compared to
What it had gathered of farms and palms.
١. بِئسَ ما قاتَلَت خَيابِرُ عَمّا
جَمَعَت مِن مَزارِعٍ وَنَخيلِ
2. They disliked death, so their protector was violated,
And they did the act of the despicable, disgraced one.
٢. كَرِهوا المَوتَ فَاِستَبيحَ حِماهُم
وَأَقاموا فِعلَ اللَئيمِ الذَليلِ
3. Do you flee from death? Indeed no-
Death but an ugly death is not beautiful.
٣. أَمِنَ المَوتِ تَهرُبونَ فَإِنَّ ال
مَوتَ مَوتَ الهُزالِ غَيرُ جَميلِ