
You mentioned the prey of hunting from the family of Hashim

ذكرت القروم الصيد من آل هاشم

1. You mentioned the prey of hunting from the family of Hashim
And you didn't say it falsely out of resentment

١. ذَكَرتَ القَرومَ الصيدَ مِن آلِ هاشِمٍ
وَلَستَ لِزورٍ قُلتَهُ بِمُصيبِ

2. Are you surprised if you meant Hamza among them
As a noble one, and you named him al-Najeeb

٢. أَتَعجَبُ إِن أَقصَدتَ حَمزَةَ مِنهُمُ
نَجيباً وَقَد سَمَّيتَهُ بِنَجيبِ

3. Didn't they kill Umar, Utbah and his son
And Shaybah, al-Hajjaj and Ibn Habeeb

٣. أَلَم يَقتُلوا عَمراً وَعُتبَةَ وَاِبنُهُ
وَشَيبَةَ وَالحَجّاجَ وَاِبنَ حَبيبِ

4. One morning al-Aasi called Ali, so he startled him
With an angry blow, staining him with blood

٤. غَداةَ دَعا العاصي عَلِيّاً فَراعَهُ
بِضَربَةِ عَضبٍ بَلَّهُ بِخَضيبِ