1. Qurayza met what they did not expect,
And found no helper against humiliation.
١. لَقَد لَقِيَت قُرَيظَةُ ما سَآها
وَما وَجَدَت لِذُلٍّ مِن نَصيرِ
2. A calamity befell them, in which
The fate of Banu Nadir was repeated.
٢. أَصابَهُمُ بَلاءٌ كانَ فيهِ
شَوىً ما قَد أَصابَ بَني النَضيرِ
3. In the morning he came walking towards them,
The Messenger of Allah, like the shining moon.
٣. غَداةَ أَتاهُمُ يَمشي إِلَيهِم
رَسولُ اللَهِ كَالقَمَرِ المُنيرِ
4. He had cavalry, galloping,
With horsemen on them like hawks.
٤. لَهُ خَيلٌ مُجَنَّبَةٌ تَعادى
بِفُرسانٍ عَلَيها كَالصُقورِ
5. We left them and they gained nothing,
Their blood upon them like perfume.
٥. تَرَكناهُم وَما ظَفِروا بِشَيءٍ
دِمائُهُمُ عَلَيهِم كَالعَبيرِ
6. So they lay dead with birds hovering over them -
Thus is judged the shameless traitor.
٦. فَهُم صَرعى تَحومُ الطَيرُ فيهِم
كَذاكَ يُدانُ ذو الفَنَدِ الخَفورِ
7. So convey a similar advice to Quraysh,
From the Merciful, if they accept my warning.
٧. فَأَردِف مِثلَها نُصحاً قُرَيشاً
مِنَ الرَحمَنِ إِن قَبِلَت نَذيري