1. I was kept awake by the flashing of the brilliant lightning
While we were chatting between one peak and another
١. أَرِقتُ لِتَوماضِ البُروقِ اللَوامِعِ
وَنَحنُ نَشاوى بَينَ سَلعٍ وَفارِعِ
2. I was kept awake by it until I knew its place
In the folds of a peak and the driving slopes
٢. أَرِقتُ لَهُ حَتّى عَلِمتُ مَكانَهُ
بِأَكنافِ سِلعٍ وَالتِلاعِ الدَوافِعِ
3. The lightning of the storm flashed and its body thundered
The yearning of the waves toward the sound of those bidding farewell
٣. طَوى أَبرَقَ العَزّافِ يَرعُدُ مَتنُهُ
حَنينَ المَتالي نَحوَ صَوتَ المُشايِعِ