1. On Badr's day we killed their chieftain without delay
Far from perishing was he, though his time had come that day
١. قَتَلنا أُمَيّاً يَومَ بَدرٍ عَنوَةً
وَبُعداً لَهُ مِن هالِكٍ لَم يُوَسَّدِ
2. He escaped us after his day had been prolonged
A fox too cunning for the jaws of the hyena at bay
٢. وَأَفلَتَ مِنّا بَعدَما طالَ يَومُهُ
أُبَيٌّ عَلى مَوّارَةِ الضَبعِ جَلعَدِ
3. A wise man fled from our spears in disarray
On a far-traveling westerly wind he sped away
٣. وَفَرَّ حَكيمٌ خَشيَةً مِن رِماحِنا
عَلى سابِحٍ غَربٍ بَعيدِ التَرَدُّدِ
4. Both Abu Al-Aas and Umar were there that day
With Utbah and his comrades and Son of Al-Aswad in the fray
٤. وَحانَ أَبو العاصي وَعَمرٌ كِلاهُما
وَعُتبَةُ في أَشياعِهِ وَاِبنُ الاِسوَدِ
5. As Shaybah struck at him, uplifting his sword to slay
Ubaydah, in wrath unrestrained, stood in his way
٥. وَشَيبَةُ إِذ يَعلوهُ بِالسَيفِ مُقدِماً
عُبَيدَةُ لا يَألو بِغَضبٍ مُهَنَّدِ
6. Tell us of Badr, how you found our onslaught that day
Our fierce charge, as the horses scattered in the affray
٦. فَكَيفَ رَأَيتُم يَومَ بَدرٍ ضِرابَنا
وَإِقدامَنا وَالخَيلُ لَم تَتَبَدَّدِ
7. With every keen sword wielded by a bold hand
Whose glory rested not in ease, but in the fight's bright flame
٧. بِكُلِّ حُسامٍ أَخلَصَتهُ قُيونُهُ
بِأَيدي رِجالٍ مَجدُهُم غَيرُ قُعدُدِ
8. They hailed you, sons of Amr ibn Amir, from every stand
Crying challenge at Badr whenever you came
٨. مِنَ السِرِّ مِن أَولادِ عَمروِ بنِ عامِرٍ
يُنادونَكُم في كُلِّ مَندىً وَمَشهَدِ