1. Shall I not inform Abu Sufyan from me
That cowardice is his abode of unrest
١. أَلا أَبلِغ أَبا سُفيانَ عَنّي
فَإِنَّ اللُؤمَ مَعدِنُهُ حَراكا
2. They lord over a group from a worthless branch
And their efforts against us have wearied Abuka
٢. تُسامي عُصبَةً مِن فَرعِ فِهرٍ
وَقَد أَعيَت مَساعيهِم أَباكا
3. The family of Hashim and their offshoot
Your hands have fallen short of the highest goals
٣. ذُؤابَةُ هاشِمٍ وَالفَرعُ مِنهُم
وَقَد قَصُرَت عَنِ العَليا يَداكا
4. Are we not a group who gave victory and refuge
And the King graced them with that special favor
٤. أَلَسنا مَعشَراً نَصَروا وَآوَوا
وَخَصَّهُمُ المَليكُ بِفَضلِ ذاكا
5. They were true in the valley striking with swords
And stabbing your chests while charging on horse
٥. هُمُ صَدَقوا بِبَطنِ الشِعبِ ضَرباً
وَطَعناً في نُحورِكُمُ دِراكا
6. The Messenger of God and the heroes among us
You have no protection against our onslaught
٦. رَسولُ اللَهِ وَالأَبطالُ مِنّا
وَما تَحمي لَدى هَيجٍ حِماكا