1. We were absent, and did not witness in Bat'ha
The men of Banu Ka'b, their necks being severed
١. غِبنا فَلَم نَشهَد بِبَطحاءِ مَكَّةٍ
رِجَالَ بَني كَعبٍ تُحَزُّ رِقابُها
2. By the hands of men who did not draw their swords
For a right cause, and whose victims' clothes were not stained.
٢. بِأَيدي رِجالٍ لَم يَسُلّوا سُيوفَهُم
بِحَقٍّ وَقَتلى لَم تُجَنَّ ثِيابُها
3. Oh, would that I knew, will I attain support from
Suhayl ibn ‘Amr, and those who deserted and punished him,
٣. فَيا لَيتَ شِعري هَل تَنالَنَّ نُصرَتي
سُهَيلَ بنَ عَمروٍ وَخزُها وَعِقابُها
4. And Safwan, who bent from the tips of spears?
For this is the time of war, tighten its headbands.
٤. وَصَفوانَ عوداً حَنَّ مِن شُفُرِ اِستِهِ
فَهَذا أَوانُ الحَربِ شُدَّ عِصابُها
5. So do not feel safe from us, O son of Umm Mujalid,
When war ignites and bares its fangs.
٥. فَلا تَأمَنَنا يا اِبنَ أُمِّ مُجالِدٍ
إِذا لَقِحَت حَربٌ وَأَعصَلَ نابُها
6. And if a band of us had witnessed Bat'ha,
On that day their striking would have wavered against us.
٦. وَلَو شَهِدَ البَطحاءَ مِنّا عِصابَةٌ
لَهانَ عَلَينا يَومَ ذاكَ ضِرابُها