
Alas! I wish I knew: did he who killed

ألا ليت شعري هل أتى مكة الذي

1. Alas! I wish I knew: did he who killed
The infidels for us in the fray, when we

١. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري هَل أَتى مَكَّةَ الَّذي
قَتَلنا مِنَ الكُفّارِ في ساعَةِ العُسرِ

2. Were hard pressed, come to Mecca today?
He killed their leaders at their encampment ere

٢. قَتَلنا سَراةَ القَومِ عِندَ رِحالِهِم
فَلَم يَرجِعوا إِلّا بِقاصِمَةِ الظَهرِ

3. They could return, and in shock departing were.
He killed Abu Jahl and, after him, Utba,

٣. قَتَلنا أَبا جَهلِ وَعُتبَةَ بَعدَهُ
وَشَيبَةَ أَيضاً عِندَ نائِرَةِ الصَبرِ

4. And Sheeba too, by the fires of steadfastness.
How many honored, glorious men we slew!

٤. وَكَم قَد قَتَلنا مِن كَريمٍ مُرَزَّءٍ
لَهُ حَسَبٌ في قَومِهِ نابِهِ الذِكرِ

5. Men of repute among their kith and crew.
We left them to the deep pit that swallowed them in,

٥. تَرَكناهُمُ لِلخامِعاتِ تَنوبُهُم
وَيَصلَونَ ناراً ثُمَّ نائِيَةَ القَعرِ

6. To burn, then plunge to hell-fire seething within.
Their unbelief in God did them confound,

٦. بِكُفرِهِمُ بِاللَهِ وَالدينُ قائِمٌ
وَما طَلَبوا فينا بِطائِلَةِ الوِترِ

7. Nor sought they profit from us battle-crowned.
By my life, the regiments Ghalib led

٧. لَعَمري لَقَد قَلَّت كَتائِبُ غالِبٍ
وَما ظَفِرَت يَومَ اِلتَقَينا عَلى بَدرِ