1. O sons of Qain, when you boast of your quarter,
Do you boast of a ruin at the door of the son of Jundu'?
١. بَني القَينِ هَلّا إِذ فَخَرتُم بِرَبعِكُم
فَخَرتُم بِكيرٍ عِندَ بابِ اِبنِ جُندُعِ
2. Your father built it before his own house,
With guards, so hide the mention of armed Qain!
٢. بَناهُ أَبوكُم قَبلَ بِنيانِ دارِهِ
بِحَرسٍ فَأَخفوا ذِكرَ قَينٍ مُدَفَّعِ
3. And cast the rubbish of the ruin, it will recognise your midst
In an assembly of you, miserable and shocking!
٣. وَأَلقوا رَمَدَ الكيرِ يَعرِفُ وَسطَكُم
لَدى مَجلِسٍ مِنكُم لَئيمٍ وَمَفجَعِ