1. Bahi son of Saq'ab became wealthy through his bitch,
Say to the son of Saq'ab be discreet and keep it hidden,
١. باهى بنُ سَقعَبَ إِذ أَثرى بِكَلبَتِهِ
قُل لِاِبنِ صَقعَبَ أَخفِ الشَخصَ وَاِكتَتِمِ
2. Say to Al-Walid when were you named with this name,
Or was depravity common in names like dreams.
٢. قُل لِلوَليدِ مَتى سُمّيتَ بِاِسمِكَ ذا
أَم كانَ دَيسَمُ في الأَسماءِ كَالحُلُمِ
3. And when the Abyssinian mother who does not please him,
No husband takes as wife in progeny and does not approve.
٣. وَإِذ حُباشَةُ أُمٌّ لا تُسَرُّ بِها
لا ناكِحٌ في الذَرى زَوجاً وَلَم تَئِمِ
4. So join your brother the brother of evil, he indeed
Has much at the door of the old woman of evil he did not throw stones.
٤. فَاِلحَق بِقَينِكَ قَينِ السوءِ إِنَّ لَهُ
كيراً بِبابِ عَجوزِ السوءِ لَم يَرِمِ
5. Those are your wares in life now made known,
Striking with swords and mending rents for the ragged.
٥. تِلكُم مَصانِعُكُم في الدَهرِ قَد عُرِفَت
ضَربُ النِصالِ وَحُسنُ الرَقعِ لِلبُرَمِ