
A wise man fled on the day of Badr

نجى حكيما يوم بدر ركضه

1. A wise man fled on the day of Badr
Like the fleeing of a spotted camel mare

١. نَجّى حَكيماً يَومَ بَدرٍ رَكضُهُ
كَنَجاءِ مُهرٍ مِن بَناتِ الأَعوَجِ

2. He threw down his weapon and neglected it
Like a lizard slipping on a rough surface

٢. أَلقى السِلاحَ وَفَرَّ عَنها مُهمَلاً
كَالهِبرِزِيِّ يَزِلُّ فَوقَ المِنسَجِ

3. When he saw Badr with its floods of armies
With regiments fully armed or from Khazraj

٣. لِما رَأى بَدراً تَسيلُ جِلاهُها
بِكَتائِبٍ مِلأَوْسِ أَو مِلخَزرَجِ

4. Patient men leading their resolute horses
Walking steadily on the paved road

٤. صُبُرٍ يُساقونَ الكُماةَ حُتوفَها
يَمشونَ مَهيَعَةَ الطَريقِ المِنهَجِ

5. Among them were many glorious heroes
Brave men who faced the difficult situation

٥. كَم فيهِمِ مِن ماجِدٍ ذي سَورَةٍ
بَطَلٍ بِمَكرَهَةِ المَكانِ المُحرِجِ

6. And dark-skinned warriors who generously give
Bearers of the burden of paying blood-money

٦. وَمُسَوَّدٍ يُعطي الجَزيلَ بِكَفِّهِ
حَمّالِ أَثقالِ الدِياتِ مُتَوَّجِ

7. Adornment of the Prophet, repeating on the day of battle
Striking the enemy with each white-bladed sword

٧. زَينِ النَدِيِّ مُعاوِدٍ يَومَ الوَغى
ضَربَ الكُماةِ بِكُلِّ أَبيَضَ سَلجَجِ

8. Or any other more glorious hero with leadership
Or any relaxed but armed horseman

٨. أَو كُلِّ أَروَعَ ماجِدٍ ذي مِرَّةٍ
أَو كُلِّ مُستَرخي النَجادِ مُدَجَّجِ

9. And the son of Hamraa Al-Ijlani survived
Whose boiling skull was like a cooking pot

٩. وَنَجا اِبنُ حمْرَاءِ العِجانِ حُوَيرِثٌ
يَغلي الدِماغُ بِهِ كَغَليِ الزِبرِجِ