1. He inherited misguidance from his father
A stubborn man, the day the Messenger left him
١. لَقَد وَرِثَ الضَلالَةَ عَن أَبيهِ
أُبَيٌّ يَومَ فارَقَهُ الرَسولُ
2. You came to the eminent and noble Muhammad
To deny him, while being ignorant of him
٢. أَجِئتَ مُحَمَّداً عَظماً رَميماً
لِتُكذِبَهُ وَأَنتَ بِهِ جَهولُ
3. And the sons of Najjar have already gained from you
Umayya, when he cries "O Aqil, help!"
٣. وَقَد نالَت بَنو النَجّارِ مِنكُم
أُمَيَّةَ إِذ يَغَوِّثُ يا عَقيلُ
4. And the two sons of Rabee'ah repented when they obeyed
Abu Jahl, for the sake of their vulgar mother
٤. وَتَبَّ اِبنا رَبيعَةَ إِذ أَطاعا
أَبا جَهلٍ لِأُمِّهِما الهُبولُ
5. And Harith escaped when we were busy
With capturing the hostages of his people, few
٥. وَأَفلَتَ حارِثٌ لِما شُغِلنا
بِأَسرِ القَومِ أُسرَتِهِ قَليلُ