
A graceful steed does not fret with suspicion

حصان رزان ما تزن بريبة

1. A graceful steed does not fret with suspicion
And becomes ragged from the flesh of parasites

١. حَصانٌ رَزانٌ ما تُزَنُّ بِرَيبَةٍ
وَتُصبِحُ غَرثى مِن لُحومِ الغَوافِلِ

2. If I satirize you as you have claimed
Then my fingers did not raise my whip against me

٢. فَإِن كُنتُ أَهجوكُم كَما قَد زَعَمتُمُ
فَلا رَفَعَت سَوطي إِلَيَّ أَنامِلي

3. For what has been said is not idle
Blame the times, not a man's endeavor

٣. فَإِنَّ الَّذي قَد قيلَ لَيسَ بِلائِطٍ
بِكَ الدَهرُ بَل سَعيُ اِمرِئٍ بِكَ ماحِلِ

4. And how could my love live and my support
Be for the Prophet's family, adornment of gatherings

٤. وَكَيفَ وَوُدّي ما حَيِيتُ وَنُصرَتي
لِآلِ نَبِيِّ اللَهِ زَينِ المَحافِلِ

5. For they have virtue which subdues people
To it in a cave beneath which they take shelter

٥. بِأَنَّ لَهُم فَضلاً تَرى الناسَ خُضَّعاً
لَهُ بَينَ غارٍ دونَهُ مُتَطالِلِ