
Alas, O people! Is there no repeller

ألا يا لقوم هل لما حم دافع

1. Alas, O people! Is there no repeller
Of what has been destined?

١. أَلا يا لَقَومٍ هَل لِما حُمَّ دافِعُ
وَهَل ما مَضى مِن صالِحِ العَيشِ راجِعُ

2. Is there no returning of the good old days?
I recall an era now past and gone,

٢. تَذَكَّرتُ عَصراً قَد مَضى فَتَهافَتَت
بَناتُ الحَشا وَاِنهَلَّ مِنّي المَدامِعُ

3. The daughters of joy have scattered,
And tears streamed down from me.

٣. صَبابَةُ وَجدٍ ذَكَّرَتني أَحِبَّةً
وَقَتلى مَضَوا فيهِم نُفَيعٌ وَرافِعُ

4. The exuberance of youth reminded me of loved ones,
And those who died nobly among them, eminent and lofty.

٤. وَسَعدٌ فَأَضحَوا في الجِنانِ وَأَوحَشَت
مَنازِلُهُم وَالأَرضُ مِنهُم بَلاقِعُ

5. They lived in bliss and their dwellings
Became desolate, and the land empty of them.

٥. وَفَوا يَومَ بَدرٍ لِلرَسولِ وَفَوقَهُم
ظِلالُ المَنايا وَالسُيوفُ اللَوامِعُ

6. They stood with the Messenger on the day of Badr,
With the shadows of death above them and gleaming swords.

٦. دَعا فَأَجابوهُ بِحَقٍّ وَكُلُّهُم
مُطيعٌ لَهُ في كُلِّ أَمرٍ وَسامِعُ

7. He called and they answered willingly and rightly,
All obedient to him in every matter and listening.

٧. فَما بَدَّلوا حَتّى تَوافَوا جَماعَةً
وَلا يَقطَعُ الآجالَ إِلّا المَصارِعُ

8. They did not waver until they came together as a group,
For only fate ends lives.

٨. لِأَنَّهُمُ يَرجونَ مِنهُ شَفاعَةً
إِذا لَم يَكُن إِلّا النَبِيِّينَ شافِعُ

9. They hoped for his intercession,
For none can intercede except the prophets.

٩. وَذَلِكَ يا خَيرَ العِبادِ بَلاؤُنا
وَمَشهَدُنا في اللَهِ وَالمَوتُ ناقِعُ

10. This, O best of creation, is our affliction,
And our gathering place is with God, and death the fallen.

١٠. لَنا القَدَمُ الأولى إِلَيكَ وَخَلفُنا
لِأَوَّلِنا في طاعَةِ اللَهِ تابِعُ

11. We were the first to come to you and those after us
Will follow the first in obedience to God.

١١. وَنَعلَمُ أَنَّ المُلكَ لِلَّهِ وَحدَهُ
وَأَنَّ قَضاءَ اللَهِ لا بُدَّ واقِعُ