1. When enemies charged as if they were
Banners of allies marked with kohl,
١. إِذا عَضَلٌ سيقَت إِلَينا كَأَنَّهُم
جِدايَةُ شَركٍ مُعلَماتُ الحَواجِبِ
2. We confronted them with crushing blows
And pierced them from every side.
٢. أَقَمنا لَهُم ضَرباً مُبيراً مُنَكِّلاً
وَحُزناهُمُ بِالطَعنِ مِن كُلِّ جانِبِ
3. Had it not been for Al-Harith's banner, they would have
Been sold in markets like slaves in shackles,
٣. وَلَولا لِواءُ الحارِثِيَّةِ أَصبَحوا
يُباعونَ في الأَسواقِ بَيعَ الجَلائِبِ
4. Sucking arrows as if they were
Heavy rain pouring from laden clouds.
٤. يَمُصّونَ أَرصافَ السِهامِ كَأَنَّهُم
إِذا هَبَطوا سَهلاً وِبارٌ شَوازِبُ
5. We took people by surprise as if
Scorching embers pierced them through.
٥. نُفَجِّئُ عَنّا الناسَ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
يُلَفِّحُهُم جَمرٌ مِنَ النارِ ثاقِبُ