
To ransom the sons of Najjar my mother and aunt

فدى لبني النجار أمي وخالتي

1. To ransom the sons of Najjar my mother and aunt
The morning you attacked with culture and vigilance

١. فِدىً لِبَني النَجّارِ أُمّي وَخالَتي
غَداةَ أَتَوكُم بِالمُثَقَّفَةِ السُمرِ

2. And courage of the living, Amr ibn Malik
When they marched victory was assured for them

٢. وَصِرمٍ مِنَ الأَحياءِ عَمروُ بنُ مالِكٍ
إِذا ما غَدَوا كانَت لَهُم عِزَّةُ النَصرِ

3. By Allah, I won't forget their lives of affliction
The morning they shot Amr with back-breaking arrows

٣. فَوَاللَهِ لا أَنسى حَياتي بَلائَهُم
غَداةَ رَمَوا عَمرواً بِقاصِمَةِ الظَهرِ

4. And escaped the day of panic, Aws ibn Khalid
Bleeding profusely like a thrush stained at the throat

٤. وَأَفلَتَ يَومَ الرَوعِ أَوسُ بنُ خالِدٍ
يَمَجُّ دَماً كَالرَعثِ مُختَضِبَ النَحرِ

5. So if you survive it, O Jawwi, it still is
A vastness like the belly of a cave, deep and dark

٥. فَإِن تَنجُ مِنها يا جُوَيُّ فَإِنَّها
رُحابٌ كَجَوفِ الغارِ مُظلِمَةِ القَعرِ