
Your heart was injured in a dream by a charming gazelle,

تبلت فؤادك في المنام خريدة

1. Your heart was injured in a dream by a charming gazelle,
Who heals the one lying down with a cool kiss.

١. تَبَلَت فُؤادَكَ في المَنامِ خَريدَةٌ
تَشفي الضَجيعَ بِبارِدٍ بَسّامِ

2. Like musk mixed with the water of a passing cloud,
Or a neck dripping blood like that of a slaughtered sacrifice.

٢. كَالمِسكِ تَخلِطُهُ بِماءِ سَحابَةٍ
أَو عاتِقٍ كَدَمِ الذَبيحِ مُدامِ

3. The purse is opened, its contents spilling out,
Nonsense other than the partitions of shares.

٣. نُفُجُ الحَقيبَةِ بوصُها مُتَنَضِّدٌ
بَلهاءُ غَيرُ وَشيكَةِ الأَقسامِ

4. It was built on cotton that gathered as if
It were excess when your seat sat on marble.

٤. بُنِيَت عَلى قَطَنٍ أَجَمَّ كَأَنَّهُ
فُضُلاً إِذا قَعَدَت مَداكُ رُخامِ

5. It could barely be bothered to come to its bedding
In the softness of a litter and beauty of stature.

٥. وَتَكادُ تَكسَلُ أَن تَجيءَ فِراشَها
في لينِ خَرعَبَةٍ وَحُسنِ قَوامِ

6. As for the day, I do not cease to remember her,
And the night distributes her in my dreams.

٦. أَمّا النَهارُ فَما أُفَتِّرُ ذِكرَها
وَاللَيلُ توزِعُني بِها أَحلامي

7. I swore to forget her and leave mentioning her
Until my bones disappear in the tomb.

٧. أَقسَمتُ أَنساها وَأَترُكُ ذِكرَها
حَتّى تُغَيَّبَ في الضَريحِ عِظامي

8. O you who blame foolishness on an adulteress!
Yet I have disobeyed my infatuation insistently.

٨. يا مَن لِعاذِلَةٍ تَلومُ سَفاهَةً
وَلَقَد عَصَيتُ إِلى الهَوى لُوّامي

9. She surprised me at sunrise after we had parted
And approached from the occurrence of days.

٩. بَكَرَت عَلَيَّ بِسُحرَةٍ بَعدَ الكَرى
وَتَقارُبٍ مِن حادِثِ الأَيّامِ

10. She claimed that one's day grows dark
When there is no retreat for one isolated in dwellings.

١٠. زَعَمَت بِأَنَّ المَرءَ يَكرُبُ يَومَهُ
عَدَمٌ لِمُعتَكِرٍ مِنَ الأَصرامِ

11. If you have lied about what you told me
Then you have escaped the fate of Harith bin Hisham.

١١. إِن كُنتِ كاذِبَةَ الَّذي حَدَّثتِني
فَنَجَوتِ مَنجى الحَرثِ بنِ هِشامِ

12. He left his loved ones to fight for them
And escaped with the head of Tmirra and his helmet.

١٢. تَرَكَ الأَحِبَّةَ أَن يُقاتِلَ دونَهُم
وَنَجا بِرَأسِ طِمِرَّةٍ وَلِجامِ

13. Bare mountains crumbling into dust as if they are
Deer disappearing into the shadows of clouds.

١٣. جَرداءَ تَمزَعُ في الغُبارِ كَأَنَّها
سِرحانُ غابٍ في ظِلالِ غَمامِ

14. Leaving the paths empty in the desert,
The pillars passed through harvested and implanted.

١٤. تَذَرُ العَناجيجَ الجِيادَ بِقَفرَةٍ
مَرَّ الدُموكِ بِمُحصَدٍ وَرِجامِ

15. She filled both hips and winked at him,
While his loved ones lived in the worst of places.

١٥. مَلَأَت بِهِ الفَرجَينِ فَاِرمَدَّت بِهِ
وَثَوى أَحِبَّتُهُ بِشَرِّ مُقامِ

16. And his father's sons and his comrades in battle
God helped those of Islam through him.

١٦. وَبَنو أَبيهِ وَرَهطُهُ في مَعرَكٍ
نَصَرَ الإِلَهُ بِهِ ذَوي الإِسلامِ

17. Grinding them, and God fulfilling His command,
A war whose blaze flickers with spears.

١٧. طَحَنَتهُمُ وَاللَهُ يُنفِذُ أَمرَهُ
حَربٌ يُشَبُّ سَعيرُها بِضِرامِ

18. Had it not been for God and its circumstances, it would have left him
As prey for beasts and buried him in pits.

١٨. لَولا الإِلَهُ وَجَريُها لَتَرَكنَهُ
جَزَرَ السِباعِ وَدُسنَهُ بِحَوامي

19. From every prisoner whose shackles are pulled,
A falcon when it meets the battalion.

١٩. مِن كُلِّ مَأسورٍ يُشَدُّ صِفادُهُ
صَقرٍ إِذا لاقى الكَتيبَةَ حامي

20. And a heavily armed one who does not respond to any call
Until the summits of flags disappear.

٢٠. وَمُجَدَّلٍ لا يَستَجيبُ لِدَعوَةٍ
حَتّى تَزولُ شَوامِخُ الأَعلامِ

21. With shame and manifest humiliation when they saw
The whites of swords leading every determination.

٢١. بِالعارِ وَالذُلُّ المُبَيِّنِ إِذ رَأَوا
بيضَ السُيوفِ تَسوقُ كُلَّ هُمامِ

22. With my hands I provoke when he claims ancestry, he is not humiliated
By the lineage of the short Qays Aylam.

٢٢. بِيَدي أَغَرَّ إِذا اِنتَمى لَم يُخزِهِ
نَسَبُ القِصارِ سَمَيدَعٍ مِقدامِ

23. Whites when they meet iron are resolute
Like lightning beneath the shadows of every cloud.

٢٣. بيضٌ إِذا لاقَت حَديداً صَمَّمَت
كَالبَرقِ تَحتَ ظِلالِ كُلِّ غَمامِ

24. They are not like Ya'mur when the hardened spears clash
And the horses neigh beneath every dark night.

٢٤. لَيسوا كَيَعمُرَ حينَ يَشتَجِرُ القَنا
وَالخَيلُ تَضبِرُ تَحتَ كُلِّ قَتامِ

25. So beware, you are truly from treacherous groups,
Bearing arms if war approaches, vile ones.

٢٥. فَسَلَحتَ إِنَّكَ مِن مَعاشِرِ خانَةٍ
سُلحٍ إِذا حَضَرَ القِتالُ لِئامِ

26. Leave nobility, your people are an accursed family,
Not from the children of Shijaa other than honorable ones.

٢٦. فَدَعِ المَكارِمَ إِنَّ قَومَكَ أُسرَةٌ
مِن وُلدِ شِجعٍ غَيرُ جِدِّ كِرامِ

27. From the loins of Majid Kindif their roots,
The whites of perfection sprouted through him.

٢٧. مِن صُلبِ خِندِفَ ماجِدٍ أَعراقُهُ
نَجَلَت بِهِ بَيضاءُ ذاتُ تَمامِ

28. And Murannih in whom the tongues flow openly
Like a wound other than opposing blemishes.

٢٨. وَمُرَنَّحٍ فيهِ الأَسِنَّةُ شُرَّعاً
كَالجَفرِ غَيرِ مُقابَلِ الأَعمامِ